31st August 2006

Sleep deprivation is reaching epidemic proportions as Brits are napping in the most unusual places and situations; a new research study reveals today. Over 10 million (22%) Brits have admitted to nodding off in an embarrassing situation, including: work meetings, in the company of in-laws, waiting in queues and even in mid romp with partners.

The study conducted by Travelodge revealed over 25 million (55%) Brits, feel constantly tired. More women (58%) feel tired in comparison to men (47%) - the main cause being work-pressures (30%).

Within the work place over 13 million (45%) of us snooze during meetings, presentations, at the desk or even sneak off to our car for a quick powernap. For (32%) of these workers, a cat-nap is essential to feel energised for the reminder of the afternoon.

The bedroom is also a casualty of tiredness with nearly five million Brits (10%) falling asleep whilst making love. More women are guilty of the deed with (11%) dozing off in mid romp in comparison to (6%) men.

Nodding off in queues is becoming a habit too, with over five million people (12%) admitting they have caught forty winks whilst queuing. Two million Brits (5%) have dozed off whilst waiting to register with a dentist or for a hospital appointment. Other popular snoozing queues include the sales, concerts, sporting events and at the airport.

List of other unusual places to fall asleep include:

At the cinema or theatre
At your desk
In a meeting or presentation
In the pub or club
Mid romp with partner
At the dinner table at home
Park Bench
Doctor/Dentist surgery
On a date

Wayne Munnelly, Travelodge Sleep Director said: "Due to todays stressful lifestyle, it's no wonder half of the UK population admits to nodding off midway into their busy schedules. This is because we are all suffering from Sleep Debt.

"You have to think of sleep in the same way, as your bank account and ensure you are regularly topping up your sleep account for missed shuteye. Otherwise your biological clock goes out of sync, resulting in you falling asleep in an embarrassing situation."

In the study, four million Brits (9%) admitted to falling asleep on a stranger's shoulder and waking up embarrassed. To make matters worse, 45% of sleepy heads admitted to snoring, 37% said dribbling and 30% sleep talking.

On the other hand 19 million (41%) people would push someone off, if they tried to fall asleep on their shoulder. With 40% being embarrassed and not knowing what to do. Mean while 19% of the nation wouldn't mind a stranger falling asleep on their shoulder and more men (13%) fall asleep on a stranger's shoulder than women (8%).


For further information, please contact:

Shakila Ahmed, PR Manager

Direct Line: 01844 35 8703

Notes to Editor:

Travelodge research conducted by 72 Point in August 2006 among over 2000 UK adults

Calculations worked using the following statistics

46.6 million UK adults According to ONS

There are 28.9 million adults employed in the UK According to ONS

People living in the following regions have fallen asleep in an inappropriate situation:

Plymouth (41%)
Newcastle (39%)
Cambridge (33%)
Aberdeen (31%)
Leeds (29%)
Bristol, Edinburgh (28%)
Birmingham, Norwich (24%)
Glasgow (23%)
Belfast (21%)
Manchester (19%)

People living in the following regions have fallen asleep in work:

Swansea (46%)
Southampton (43%)
Plymouth (41%)
Leeds (38%)
Newcastle (36%)
Bristol, London, Cardiff (36%)
Cambridge (33%)
Norwich (32%)
Birmingham, Edinburgh (28%)
Liverpool (24%)

People living in the following regions have fallen asleep in mid romp with partner:

Aberdeen (15%)
Manchester, Cardiff (14%)
Liverpool, Birmingham (12%)
Leeds, Southampton (11%)
Glasgow (9%)
Sheffield, Norwich (8%)
Belfast (7%)

As the first budget hotel brand to launch in the UK in 1985, Travelodge currently has approximately 279 hotels across the UK in city centres, near attractions and

Rooms start from £26 and can be booked online at www.travelodge.co.uk