16th April 2007

A new study released today reveals that daily life is becoming risky business, as Brits admit to gambling more than just their money every day. To support the launch of its travel insurance, budget hotel chain, Travelodge conducted a study to investigate the most common risks that Brits are prepared to take at home and on their holidays.

Shopping on the Internet, lying to your best friend, being caught taking a sickie from work, eating food that has passed its sell by date and leaving your house key with a neighbour ranked as the top five risks people were happy to take every day.

The study identified more men at 33% thrive on being a 'risk taker', in contrast to just 20% of women. The top 25 risks Brits were willing to take were:

1. Using credit cards on the Internet
2. Lying to your best friend to avoid hurting their feelings
3. Taking a sickie from work
4. Eating food that has passed its sell by date
5. Leaving your front door key with a neighbour
6. Driving in the snow
7. Speeding on the roads
8. Not saving for retirement
9. Lying at a job interview
10. Continuing to drive with the petrol light is on
11. Lying to your parents
12. Going on holiday on your own
13. Gambling hard earned cash
14. Sunbathing without sun screen
15. Leaving your drink at the bar unattended whilst visiting the cloakroom
16. Lying to your partner
17. Lying on your CV
18. Not locking your suitcase when travelling abroad
19. Telling someone they fancy them
20. Going over your overdraft
21. Drinking tap water abroad
22. Going away without booking accommodation at the other end
23. Not taking out car break down insurance
24. Travelling without travel insurance

Travelling without insurance is a risk that 28% of respondents from the study were prepared to take. The main reason given for opting out was the high cost compared to the perceived 'low risk' of holidaying in a foreign country.

Guy Parsons, Travelodge Chief Operating Officer said: "We are all prepared to take some level of risk in our lives but some are willing to gamble harder than others. Travelling abroad without insurance could save you £10 but cost £10,000 - the odds are not hot."

The comparison table below illustrates Travelodge travel Insurance products against a few high street brands insurance products.

Company 2 days (EU) 8 Days (EU) 11 days (EU) 8 days (WW) 11 days (WW)

Travelodge: £6.61 £12.20 £14.37 £25.11 £29.56

Post Office: £7.00 £20.00 £24.00 £46.00 £53.00

Marks & Spencer: £15.12 £19.07 £21.17 £40.43 £44.70

Lastminute.com: £13.49 £16.38 £19.27 £42.39 £50.10

Tesco: £8.99 £14.99 £19.99 £29.99 £39.99

Figures were correct as of 11th April 2007
Insurance package for a healthy individual aged between 18 to 65 years.

Travelodge Travel Insurance is provided by AIG Europe and underwritten by New Hampshire Insurance Company and Landmark Insurance Company.
HSBC Insurance Ltd are the brokers and responsible for managing Travelodge FSA accreditation


For further information, please contact:
Shakila Ahmed
Travelodge PR Manager
Direct Line: 01844 358 638
Mobile: 07802 702 499

Notes to Editor:
Travelodge Travel insurance service is available at: www.travelodge.co.uk/insurance
£6.61 cover is based around a 2 day European trip for a healthy individual aged between 18 to 65 years
Travelodge has 312 hotels within the UK
Rooms are available from £26