16th January 2008


Up to 23 million British workers are losing an hour's sleep every night because they dread going to work the next day, according to a new study released today.

Dealing with a difficult boss or colleague, missing a deadline, giving an important presentation and coping with heavy workloads are just some of the reasons why work worries are giving Brits slumber stress rather than sweet dreams.

The research carried out by Travelodge confirms that its far from a "happy snooze year" for most of the UK workforce with regrets about mistakes made at work during the day keeping half of us (51%) awake at night. Other common work related issues causing slumber stress are

- Dealing with a difficult boss (28%)
- Having to give an important presentation (19%)
- Missing a work deadline (18%)

Now in a UK-first, to treat the nation's night-time woes and improve workplace productivity, Travelodge is offering guests the chance to take up 'motivational sleeping'. The hotel chain has commissioned internationally acclaimed Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) therapist Greg Laws* to record a series of inspirational "Nodcasts" to tap into the unconscious mind and help millions of UK workers to run their lives more successfully, while they sleep.

The five NLP Nodcasts will deal with the following work related issues:

- Assertiveness - how to say what you want and get it
- Confidence - how to get a "can do" attitude
- Communication - how to make more friends and influence more people
- Stress - how to combat anxiety and relax
- Motivation - how to overcome inertia and seize the day

The Nodcasts can be downloaded by guests free of charge at www.travelodge.co.uk
(Just go to the 'What's New' section on the website)

Leigh McCarron, Travelodge Sleep Director said: "Our customers tell us that their everyday worries often prevent them from getting a good night's sleep. In response to this problem, we have created a series of Nodcasts, which are an aid to relax the mind and educate whilst you drop off - we are calling it Motivational Sleeping."

Further findings from the research identified that a lack of work confidence is fuelling sleepless nights for 50% of employees and nearly half of those questioned blame a lack of sleep for their inability to concentrate at work. A fifth even admitted to falling asleep at their desks. Thirty per cent (31%) of respondents admitted to snapping at their boss and colleagues due to lack of sleep whilst 28% of workers have called in sick due to a poor night's sleep.

NLP expert Greg Laws said: "The benefits of sleep time learning have been demonstrated for many years. These well respected therapeutic techniques used in Nodcasts are designed to be listened to while lying in bed and heading off to sleep. People can become more assertive, get less stressed and become more confident while in a state of deep relaxation."

The Travelodge study also identified that after falling asleep, one in five workers wake up in cold sweats due to nightmares where they are telling their bosses what they really think of them and where they can stick their job. The other top three nightmares workers have are:

1. Being fired (18%)
2. Having a affair with the boss or colleague (14%)
3. Turning up to work naked (11%)

Other findings from the report included:
- Men are twice as likely to use sex as a way of taking their minds off work worries whilst women are twice as likely as men to resort to reading a good book
- More than a third (35%) of respondents said they have their best work ideas while trying to get to sleep
- Nearly a third of respondents have called into work sick because they were up half the night worrying about work issues


Editors notes:

*Greg Laws has nearly 30 years of experience on three continents in communication, education, negotiation and training. He is a master Practitioner of NLP, a Certified Trainer of NLP through the International NLP Trainers Association (INLPTA) and has appeared on television and radio on numerous occasions.

The poll was conducted by Onepoll in December 2007 on behalf of Travelodge amongst 3500 British workers.

The 23 million figure calculation is:

80% of British workers surveyed are kept awake for 60 minutes due to worrying about work

80% of 29,000,000 (no of UK workers) = 23,200,000

Travelodge rooms are available from £29 per night - just book at www.travelodge.co.uk

Media contacts
Shakila Ahmed
T: 01844 35 8638