1st October 2009

Planning permission was granted on Thursday 1st October for a 249-bedroom extension at Travelodge's Covent Garden hotel in Drury Lane. When the work is completed in January 2011 the hotel will comprise 457 rooms, making it the largest hotel in Travelodges 380 strong estate.

By the 2012 Olympics, Travelodge will be the biggest hotel brand in London with 45 hotels (6,482) rooms in the capital. The UKs fastest growing hotel company currently operates 32 hotels in London and has seven more currently under construction.

Paul Harvey, Managing Director for Development at Travelodge, said:

"Our existing hotel on Drury Lane has been trading extremely well and we are delighted that Camden has given us the go ahead to extend the hotel and meet the demand for affordable hotel rooms in the heart of the West End.

"There is enormous potential for growth in the budget hotel sector across London and with the 2012 Olympics just around the corner we will be driving forward a growth programme to enhance the capitals reputation as an affordable visitor destination."

The newly extended hotel will create 35 new jobs plus up to 100 jobs during construction. Travelodge has committed to work with Kings Cross Construction to draw employees from Camdens population and also Camden Working, the Councils employment brokerage initiative.

Since 2007, over 90% of staff for all new London hotels have been recruited from the local unemployed, with 67% coming from the Job Centre's priority groups.