5th January 2011

Where would you find a life size electric Dalek, a Superintendent’s ID Badge, a set of gold dentures worth £6,500, a three seat antique rocking horse and Decree Absolute papers? Where else, but Travelodge’s Lost and Found office.

The UK’s fastest growing budget hotel chain, today announced the mysterious objects left behind in its 460 hotels during 2010. With over nine million people annually staying with Travelodge each year, some of the booty left behind also includes: keys to a Rolls-Royce Phantom, a diamond encrusted Rolex watch, a Hermes handbag, a groom, a lucky Bonsai tree and a Bengal kitten called Tiger.

Jon Hendry-Pickup, Travelodge Operations Director said; “Each year our lost and found departments provide plenty of revelations. From keys to a Rolls-Royce to a life size Dalek, our customers’ left behinds demonstrate what a cross section of people stay in our hotels.”

“The 2010 left behind inventory report also revealed we are certainly living in a digital smart world as we have seen a huge rise in Apple and Android devices and accessories being left behind in our hotels. The most popular items being left behind are iPhones, iTouches, android phones and e-readers.”

Listed below are the most bizarre items left behind at Travelodge hotels during 2010

Item / Travelodge hotel

Life size electric Dalek with voice changer worth £1,6500
Newcastle Central

Superintendent’s ID Badge
Exeter M5

Set of gold dentures worth £6,500

Three seat antique rocking horse worth over £1,000
Chessington Tolworth

Decree Absolute (Divorce papers)

Keys to a Rolls Royce Phantom

Diamond encrusted Rolex Watch worth £50,000

A groom - was left tied up to the bed by his friends on the eve of his wedding as a joke. No one remembered to untie him on the morning of his wedding. The wedding had to be postponed for a couple of hours so that the groom could be found.

Hermes Handbag worth £8,000

Bengal Kitten called Tiger worth £1,00
London Docklands

Lucky Bonsai Tree - A couple left behind their lucky tree whilst staying at Retford Markham Moor Travelodge; which they regarded to bring prosperity, wealth and good luck to them. The couple reported they had lots of bad luck whilst the tree was away from them.
Retford Markham Moor

Suitcase of royal memorabilia – ranging from Queen Victoria’s era to present day
Gatwick Airport

A four foot Yam (Vegetable)
Cambridge Central

£10,000 cash was left in the dustbin

A customer had brought the cash to purchase a car but the sale did not go through and he threw the wrong envelope into the bin
Warrington Central

Traffic lollipop stick

A special case designed to carry seven artificial legs with different shoes

The report also revealed in the last 12 months over 20,000 books where left behind in Travelodge hotels across the country. Listed below are the top ten most popular left behind books:

1. Simon Cowell The Unauthorised Biography Chas NewkeyBurden
2. Ooh What a lovely Pair Ant Dec
3. The Storm The World Economic Crisis and What it Means Vince Cable
4. The Lost Symbol Dan Brown
5. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Steig Larsoon
6. Breaking Dawn The Twilight Saga Stephenie Meyer
7. The Girl Who Played with Fire Steig Larsson
8. Eclipse Stephine Meyer
9. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest Steig Larsson
10. Eat Pray Love Elizabeth Gilbert

In addition in the last 12 months Travelodge staff has reunited 75,000 forgotten cuddly bears with their owners.

Listed below are the most common items left in a Travelodge room in 2010:

1. Mobile Phones and accessories – iPhones, Blackberry’s and android phones

2. Gadgets – iTouch, e-readers, Sat Navs and digital cameras

3. Laptops / games consoles

4. Teddy Bears

5. Books

6. Clothing items / Toiletries

7. Artificial limbs / False Teeth

8. Hen / Stag accessories / adult toys

9. Handbags, Briefcases and suitcases

10. Jewellery

From January 2011 all items left behind at Travelodge hotels that have not been claimed within three months will be donated to Cancer Research UK charity shops across the UK. Cancer Research UK is one of Travelodge’s nominated charities alongside KidsOut. During 2011, Travelodge is expecting to raise over £200,000 for its nominated charities.
