17th July 2012


Britons belly tops most hated body part list

It’s that time of the year when our thoughts turn to holidays, and that means baring more of our bodies whether it’s on a hot tropical beach abroad, in the garden or at a British seaside resort. However new research reveals that 80% Britons report the appearance of their body depresses them; with their tummy being the most hated body part. So obsessed are British adults with their appearance that they think about their weight and body shape at least three times during the day.

The ‘Dare to Bare’ study conducted by Travelodge surveyed 5,000 British adults to investigate the nation’s views on their bodies and their attitude to fitness; following customer feedback on incorporating keep fit facilities across the Company’s hotels.

Key research findings revealed tummies is the nation’s number one body worry with three quarters of British adults admitting they are carrying a two pound unwanted spare tyre around their midriff. An astonishing 80% of British adults and women reported the appearance of their body depressed them.

The fact that women have body-image issues is a familiar one; however Travelodge’s research revealed that 73% of women on average think about their weight and body size at least three times during the day. Eight out of ten women reported they lives would improve considerably if they felt happy about their body. Over a third of women reported their love lives would be so much better if they felt better about their body. For women, legs were second to bellies in the body-worry charts with bottoms coming in third place

The report also revealed it’s not just women who obsess about their appearance, a whopping 78% of men hate their physique and 56% of men regularly discuss their bodies with friends with the main topics of conversations being around: beer bellies, measly muscles, baldness and "man boobs". After their tummies, arms and shoulders were cited by men as ‘trouble spots’.

Further findings from the survey revealed whilst women are usually preoccupied with losing weight and reducing their dress size for men it's all about building muscle mass and looking "ripped", with a toned "six pack".

Research findings also revealed celebrity culture has a significant impact on body self-image among both British men and women. Listed below is the nation’s most desired celebrity body part:

Body Area

David Beckham
Cameron Diaz

Channing Tatum
Kim Kardashian

Mark Wahlberg /

Matthew McConaughey
Gisele Bundchen

Chest / Bust
Tyson Beckford
Jessica Simpson

Taylor Lautner
Felicity Huffman

Bradley Cooper
Eva Longoria Parker

The research also revealed that 57% of adults find it hard to stick to a keep-fit regime whilst away from home due to lack of facilities. Forty cent of Britons said they find it very difficult to resume their keep fit regime after they have been away from home due to the lapse of not exercising and it can take them up to two weeks to get back on track. Eighty seven per cent of respondents surveyed thought it would be a good idea to have a simple-to-follow fitness video in hotel rooms to use when travelling for business or leisure.

In response to these findings, In a UK first, Travelodge has created a free bespoke room workout specifically targeting the body areas Britons hate the most which includes: legs, bums and tums. Designed by personal trainer Marco Mandic, the workout is a series of exercises that can be done without any equipment or special sports gear in any of Travelodge’s 510 hotels.

Customers can either download a free five minute work out video tape at: or a factsheet which details the exercises at:

Travelodge spokeswoman Shakila Ahmed said, “We are living in a celebrity obsessed culture where image is everything. Our customer feedback and research findings has highlighted Britons want to maintain their fitness regime when away from home. As a low cost operator providing gyms in our hotels is not a viable option therefore we have produced a bespoke room workout which requires no equipment but gives optimum results that our customers can do in their room whilst staying with us and back at home free of charge. It is a win-win solution.”

Marko Mandic, Personal Trainer and founder of MMworkout.com says, ‘The Travelodge Room Work Out targets large muscle groups which is great for overall strength and muscle toning. More lean muscle revs the metabolism, which in turn means more calories are being burnt. Perform these exercises properly, regularly and safely and you will see excellent results.”

Notes to Editors:

Marko Mandic is a personal trainer who has spent 15 years developing a unique holistic training programme that delivers a great body via simple targeted exercises without visiting a gym.

The Travelodge room workout is a simple five step VT workout, which Marko Mandic has developed for customers to do in their room; whilst staying over in any of the 510 Travelodge hotels. Included in the plan is also a multifunctional stretching programme which can be done:

Before and after the room workout
At bedtime to help relax the body to aid sleep
First thing in the morning to energise the body- for the day ahead.
The Travelodge keep-fit programme targets large muscle groups, focusing on strength and muscle toning which revs up the metabolism resulting in more calories being burnt. The programme targets the abdominal, legs, arms and core body – resulting in an all over body work out.