30th October 2012


A quarter of Britons are experiencing a terrorising nightmare every week

More than a fifth of UK adults believe that ghosts come out at Halloween

Every week over 12 million British adults are experiencing a terrifying nightmare and the biggest snooze attackers are: George Osborne, Gordon Brown and The Bogeyman - the main character from the seventies Stephen King novel the Night Shift.

The Travelodge scary snooze study surveyed 2,000 Britons and findings revealed that over a fifth (22%) of British adults are regularly being terrorised by ‘Bogyphobia’. This is a fear which stems from childhood, when a parent used to say to their child that The Bogeyman was going to come and get them if they did not behave or go to sleep when told.

So scary was The Bogeyman that more than one in 10 (12%) of respondents reported that their parents regularly used to threaten them that The Bogeyman was going to come and get them if they did not go to sleep – which is why it still affects them today.

Following close behind The Bogeyman, in the poll of bedtime terror culprits are Gordon Brown and George Osborne who both symbolise the fears we are still facing in today’s economy in the aftermath of the credit crunch and double dip recession.

The report found it isn’t just The Bogeyman and politicians that are giving us nightmares, celebrities and sporting personalities are also making us scream in our sleep too. The top 10 celebrities, politicians and sporting personalities that are regularly making an appearance in our nightmares are:

1. George Osborne
2. Gordon Brown
3. Katie Price
4. Ann Widdecombe
5. Alex Ferguson
6. Wayne Rooney
7. Justin Bieber
8. Marilyn Manson
9. Anne Robinson
10. Ed Balls

Further findings from the study revealed that the most common nightmare themes Britons are having are:

1. Loosing a loved one
2. Being poor
3. Loosing your job
4. Being chased
5. Falling from a great height
6. Your teeth falling out
7. Being attacked by a tarantula spider
8. Being naked at an important event
9. Being a child again
10. Kissing your boss

Further research findings revealed that 70% of Britons reported a night of terrors results in them waking up sweating, crying, screaming and feeling very scared. In addition more than one in 10 adults (12%) also reported their horrific nightmare will play on their minds throughout their day and turn them into a monster due to their bad mood.

As the nation gears up for a night of trick or treating, research findings also revealed that more than a fifth (22%) of British adults believe that ghosts come out at Halloween. A third of Britons stated even popular spooky films such as Halloween and Friday the 13th trigger Bogyphobia which results in them being to scared to go to sleep

Shakila Ahmed, Travelodge spokeswoman, said: “Nightmares can seem all too real and even when it’s difficult to remember them, they will still create a lasting sense of unhappiness and unease. A nightmare is a lot more intense than just a bad dream. It can bring a very vivid feeling of fear, horror and stress to our everyday lives. Our research has revealed that fears from yesteryears can creep up in adult hood. Around a fifth of adults have reported having a reoccurring nightmare throughout their lives which is a terrifying thought if you suffer from Bogyphobia.

“Suffering from nightmares that involve the Chancellor, money and losing a job are a true reflection of how the credit crunch, and the double dip recession, has affected our well being as well as our money.”

As so many adults suffer from Bogyphobia, the study also investigated what scary tactics modern parents use today to encourage their children to behave and topping the poll is Chucky the Clown, Freddy Krueger, Voldemort, Frankenstein, and The Wicked Witch of the West.

Surprisingly, one in 10 parents revealed ‘the naughty step’ as introduced by Super Nanny is a great tactic in frightening their children to behave and use if they don’t go to bed at the correct time.

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