31st December 2012

Death of the New Year party: a new social trend emerges as more Britons choose snooze over booze this New Year’s Eve

A fifth of the nation reveal they find New Year’s Eve the most depressing night of the year

This year, more British adults then ever are snubbing the traditional New Year’s Eve party scene in favour of a good night’s sleep.

Following a turbulent year of financial hardship and a double dip recession 40% of Britons are choosing snooze over booze this New Year’s Eve according to a new sleep study out today by Travelodge.

The hotel chain surveyed 2,000 British adults to investigate the nation’s plans for the biggest party night of the year. However key findings revealed that even more Britons this year are snoozing into the New Year. With an increase of 10% against last year, more adults are having a napping 2013 new year

Other key findings revealed that the nation will turn in and hit the sack at 10.38pm – over an hour before the country welcomes in 2013.

Seventy eight per cent of the UK’s New Year’s Eve sleepers also reported they are looking forward to having a good lie in on New Year’s Day and are not intending to resurface from under their duvet until 10.30am on New Years Day.

When quizzed to the reasons to why Britons are choosing napping against partying on New Year’s Eve a fifth of adults reported they find New Year’s Eve the most depressing night of the year and would rather sleep through it and start the New Year as any other normal day. The other reasons included:

· It has been a tough year financially and I don’t have the spare cash to go out on New Year’s Eve and it’s cheaper just to sleep through it (22%)

· New Year’s Eve is always so expensive; I begrudge paying extortionate ticket prices and would rather save my money and catch up on some sleep (21%)

· After Christmas I always feel exhausted and look forward to a night in just to sleep (12%)

· I never know what to do on New Year’s Eve – If I go out I feel like I should be somewhere else. Sleeping through seems like a good option this year (11%)

Sixty eight per cent of the respondents that are sleeping through New Year’s Eve reported they will have a bedtime tipple, between the sheets. The popular three beverages being brandy, whisky and champagne.

It’s York which tops the list of sleepers, closely followed by Cardiff. Despite Cardiff being the capital of Wales and a party hotspot it seems the Welsh would rather get tucked up than caught up in ringing in the New Year. In third place in the league of nappers is Cambridge, more accustomed to the sound of student revelry at New Year the sound of the town quickly turns to snores.

Listed below are the top ten regions with the most New Year’s Eve sleepers:

1. York

2. Cardiff

3. Cambridge

4. Leicester

5. Brighton

6. Leeds

7. Glasgow

8. Liverpool

9. Manchester

10. Newcastle

The report also revealed that just 18% of Britons will be painting the town red this New Year’s Eve. The biggest UK party cities across the UK include London, Edinburgh and Birmingham.

Leading Life Coach, Carole Ann Rice, says: "It comes as no surprise that people are giving up the dance floor and heading for the duvet on New Year's Eve now. Often it can be a huge expensive anti-climax at the greyest most miserable time of the year. Most people are tired, broke and feeling toxic post the Christmas blow out and motivation and inspiration are at an all time low. Nature is right in that winter is a time for hibernation and conserving energy not dashing around and starting new hobbies or exercise regimes.

“As a life coach any day of the year can be New Year's Eve as you change your life any time and on any day of the week and when the time feels right for you - perhaps when you feel a bit more rested, healthy and the weather has improved. Perhaps we should re-stage NYE for spring?!"

Shakila Ahmed, Travelodge spokeswoman said: “Having a napping new year is a growing trend in the UK as more Britons every year are opting for a night between the sheets than painting the town read. Kick starting the New Year with a good night’s sleep is no bad thing and it is a good resolution to adhere to.”

Further research findings revealed that 27 million Britons are expected to make New Year resolutions over the next few days, but almost half (41%) will have broken them by the end of January. The top five pledges Britons will be making for next year are:

1. To lose weight and adopt a healthy eating lifestyle

2. Sort our finances, pay off credit cards and save money

3. To get a better work life balance

4. To get a better job

5. To make more me time and see friends more regularly