11th February 2013

As the country gears up for the most romantic day of the year a new poll has revealed royal couples signify the power of love. The Queen and Prince Philip, Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall and Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge make the nation’s top ten list of most inspiring couples.

Topping Britons 2013 top romantic couples listing is Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge, who have been sweethearts from their university days, ten years ago. The couple, who are expecting their first baby this July, won the hearts of the nation on their wedding day with their public displays of affection on Buckingham Palace’s balcony.

In second place as their most inspiring romantic couples, Britons voted celebrity royalty David and Victoria Beckham who have been married for 14 years and have a date night every Wednesday – to help keep the sparkle alive in their relationship .

Third position in Britain’s most inspiring romantic couple’s poll was awarded to her majesty Queen Elizabeth II & HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh who will be celebrating 66 years of marriage this year.

The poll which surveyed 2,000 British adults was conducted by Travelodge as part of a larger study to investigate the nation’s views on the second biggest international celebration – Valentine’s Day.

Making up the nation’s top ten listing of romantic couples included, in fourth position pop royalty Beyonce & Jay-Z who have been together for 11 years.

Moving from their number one spot in last year’s list is William Shakespeare’s famous romantic characters, Romeo and Juliet characters. The star-crossed, lovers who died in the name of love because they couldn’t be together were voted the nation’s fifth most inspiring romantic couple this year.

The world’s most powerful couple Barack & Michelle Obama who will celebrate 21 years of being married this year won the sixth position in the poll.

Seventh position was awarded to a couple who are so famous for being in love that they have their very own lover’s brand name ‘Brangelina’ aka Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

Fictional lovers in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series Edward and Bella took eighth position in the poll.

Britons voted Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall who are celebrating eight years of marriage this year as their ninth most inspiring romantic couple.

The tenth position in the poll was awarded to one of the greatest English midfielders in history Steven Gerrard and his famous fashion icon wife Alex.

Listed below is the nation’s 2013 top ten most inspiring romantic couples:

1. Prince William & The Duchess of Cambridge
2. David & Victoria Beckham
3. The Queen & HRH Prince Philip
4. Jay-Z & Beyonce
5. Romeo and Juliet
6. Barack & Michelle Obama
7. Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie
8. Edward & Bella (Twilight)
9. Prince Charles & The Duchess of Cornwall
10. Steve & Alex Gerrard

Shakila Ahmed, Travelodge spokeswoman said: "It’s the first time we have seen three generations of royal couples make the top ten listing of most inspiring romantic couples. This year’s listing reveals that Britons are looking up to established couples in a solid relationship as role modes, for inspiration to enhance their romantic relationship.”

Further findings from the study revealed, the UK economy will enjoy its biggest Valentine’s boost since the recession started with loved up Britons boosting retail sales by £978 million this Valentine’s Day – which is an increase of £98 million from 2012. In addition for the second year running, British men are delving even deeper into their pockets, in a bid to woo their Valentine - as seven out of ten men will be spending on average £39.57 to woo their Valentine. In comparison 65% of British women are spending literally half of what men are proposing to spend on romantic gifts, which is £22.64.

In total, this Valentine’s Day, men will be injecting a whopping £622 million into Britain’s economy whilst women will be making a contribution of £354 million.

When asked to why men are spending more this Valentines Day, 42% of male respondents reported that the double dip recession has put quite a strain on their relationship. Therefore they are going to invest a little more money into this Valentine’s Day, so that they can show their partner how much they love them.

The study also revealed, even though more men are splashing out this Valentine’s Day, some romantic traditions don’t change as a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolates are still the top purchases men are making this year. However, these purchases will not really impress the ladies as research findings revealed women just want the simple things in life that include a little thought and effort such as:

- Fifteen per cent of British women just want to hear the three magic words from their partner – I Love You this Valentine’s Day
- A quarter of women (26%) want to be whisked away to a hotel and romanced
- One in ten women want to romanced and receive a love letter or poem from their partner – like Mr Big did in the Sex and The City movie
- Ten per cent of females want their partner to cook them a meal and most importantly clear up afterwards too.

Corinne Sweet, Relationship Psychologist, said: “The high cost of romance is not surprising in today's 'easy buy / time poor' culture. Many people, especially men, spend money to please or appease, when their partners would simply like to have more time, thought and appreciation from them.

“It's easy to click a button or flash a card to buy love, in comparison to spending some quality time together, cooking a meal, giving a massage or making a card. However, the personal touch, the little thoughtful gesture, is often more a sign of true love and commitment than extravagant, OTT romantic gestures".

Shakila Ahmed, Travelodge spokeswoman said: “Love is certainly in the air this Valentine’s Day as couples go all out to celebrate their love for one another. As February 14th falls on a Thursday this year, we have seen a surge in Britons booking a long weekend getaway in order to make the most of this romantic celebration. Top lovers hotspots include historic UK cities such as: London, Edinburgh, York, Liverpool, Oxford and beautiful rural locals such as the Lake District, Yorkshire Dales and the Peak District. Also despite the weather coastal locations are also popular, such as Brighton, Torquay, Newquay and Scarborough,

Further research findings revealed half of British adults (50%) say ‘I love you’ up to four times a day. Twenty per cent of British men feel disappointed by the effort their partner puts into making Valentine’s Day special for them. Over two thirds of men reported they would like more romance in their lives.


Notes to editors:

For further information, please contact:

Travelodge Press Office

T: 01844 358703


1. Listed below is the 2012 listing for the nation’s top ten most inspiring romantic couples:

Romeo & Juliet
Elizabeth & Darcy
Queen Victoria & Prince Albert
Prince William & Duchess of Cambridge
Heathcliff & Catherine
Jane Eyre & Mr Rochester
Anthony & Cleopatra
Shrek & Princess Fiona
Cinderella & Prince Charming
Homer & Madge Simpson
2. Research was conducted by OnePoll in January 2013