26th February 2013

New research reveals five million British couples are arguing three times a week under the duvet which is resulting in 90 minutes of lost sleep every week

Brummie, Mancunian and Scouse couples are the nation’s biggest bedtime bickerers and are losing up to a week’s sleep

Travelodge launches a new bed called the Travelodge Dreamer to help reduce bedtime bickering amongst couples

Fidgeting, snoring, passing wind, not wanting to make love and sleeping with pets are just some of the reasons causing over a quarter of British couples to argue between the sheets, at least three times during the week according to a new sleep study out today.

Key findings from the study revealed 26% of British couples are arguing between the sheets on average three times during the week, with each squabble lasting around 30 minutes.

So big is the problem of bedtime bickering that British couples are losing on average 90 minutes of valuable sleep each week. This weekly sleep loss eventually builds up to three full days of missed sleep over a year. However, it’s Brummie, Mancunian and Scouser couples who are the nation’s worst bedtime bickerers as they are losing up to a week’s sleep a year due to regular arguing between the sheets.

These findings have been revealed in a new Travelodge sleep report which surveyed 2,000 British couples to investigate their sleeping behaviour between the sheets.

Findings from the study revealed Brummie, Mancunian and Scouser couples are the UK’s worst bedtime bickerers. On average Brummie couples are losing a week’s worth of valuable sleep per year due to bickering in bed. Mancunian and Scouse couples are losing six days of sleep as a result of arguing in bed.

The biggest cause for bedtime bickering is fidgeting as a fifth of Britons reported that their partner regularly interrupts their sleep with constant restlessness and twitchy movements, which results in a night of broken sleep for them. Interestingly, the report revealed that women were the biggest fidgeters in bed.

Sixteen per cent of couples stated that snoring fuels their weekly bedtime arguments and men were reported to be the biggest culprits of keeping their partner awake during the night.

Not having compatible body temperatures is the third biggest reason for bedtime squabbling as 15% of couples reported conflicting temperature requirements (where one individual is feeling too hot and the other is feeling too cold) results in one of them having a poor quality night’s sleep which creates regular heated arguments between the sheets.

Duvet hogging is the fourth most popular reason for couples bickering in bed as 14% of Britons reported they are constantly fighting throughout the night for their share of their duvet.

In fifth position, thirteen per cent of couples reported when one partner is not in the mood for making love this often causes a tense atmosphere under the duvet.

Another big reason respondents reported for bedtime bickering is passing wind which is deemed to be one of the most unsociable bedroom habits. As the sixth cause of bedtime bickering, the study found that both men and women complain that flatulence has a profound effect on their sleep with one in ten couples complaining that their other halves distasteful habit wakes them up in the night.

Making up the rest of the list of the ten reasons to why British couples are arguing in bed are one partner wants to read or watch TV whilst the other wants to go to sleep, the actual time a partner wants to go to bed and allowing children and pet(s) to share the matrimonial bed.

Further research findings revealed that a fifth of Britons just turn over and totally ignore their partner whilst they are bickering about their sleeping habit and this silence continues into the following day.

Listed below are the top ten most popular reasons to why British couples bicker in bed

1. Fidgeting

2. Snoring

3. Different body temperature

4. Hogging the duvet

5. Not being in the mood for sex

6. Passing wind in bed

7. Having the light on whilst partner wants to go to sleep

8. Watching TV whilst partner wants to go to bed

9. The a time couples go to bed

10. Allowing children or a pet to share the bed

Shakila Ahmed, Travelodge spokeswoman said: “Our research has highlighted that bedtime bickering amongst couples is a growing concern across the UK. In some areas such as Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool couples are losing a week’s worth of sleep a year which is not good news. Therefore in response to this growing issue, we have created a new luxurious bespoke bed which addresses the number one reason for bed bickering which is fidgeting between the sheets.

“The Travelodge Dreamer which is deemed the Rolls Royce of beds boasts a 925 pocket sprung mattress. Each individual spring is designed to follow the natural contour of an individual’s body in order to provide the correct amount of support and comfort. For a couple, this ensures that each individual is much less affected by the movement of their partner, resulting in a good quality night’s sleep.

“Also to ensure there is a balanced temperature between the sheets, we have introduced a bounce back 10.5 tog duvet which offers the ideal snuggling cover up whilst sleeping.”

Chris Idzikowski from Edinburgh Sleep Centre, said: “It is no surprise that fidgeting under the covers is causing so many arguments amongst couples during the night, as it’s quite a common problem. What’s worrying is the amount of sleep that is being lost as a result of this bickering.

“Fidgeting in bed can be caused by ‘Restless Legs Syndrome’ which is more common in women. It is characterised by an uncomfortable sensation in the legs which gives rise to an overwhelming urge to move them. This disorder can be easily addressed by incorporating an iron supplement into your diet and changing your mattress to a high quality one.

“It’s good news that Travelodge has created a bespoke bed called ‘The Travelodge Dreamer Bed’ which can help reduce fidgeting in bed. This bed’s 952 spring mattress is a key element to reduce fidgeting as each spring works independently to provide exceptional independent support for each person in the bed so it’s a perfect solution to overcome the problem of interrupted sleep by a partner’s fidgeting.”

Corinne Sweet, Relationship Psychologist, said: “Bedtime bickering is a serious issue that needs to be addressed immediately. Ignoring the issue will only result in regular bursts of poor quality of sleep, increased stress levels and loss of immunity. So serious is this problem that over an average relationship period of twenty years, British couples could lose two months of lost sleep, which does not make for long term bliss.

“My advice is that bickering couples should make time and have an open and honest discussion with their partner about their annoying sleeping habits. It is only by having a frank conversation can they really work through the issues and identify a workable solution. A simple thing as changing your mattress to a good quality spring one can reduce fidgeting and changing your duvet to a lighter or heaver one can help maintain the ideal temperature between the sheets.

“Couples need to avoid trying to sleep on a disagreement, as this will impair sleep. Finding something to laugh about together, or even just simply cuddling and massaging, can ease tension, and help create a good sleep atmosphere.”


For more information please contact the Travelodge Press Office on 01844 358698 or email pressoffice@tarvelodge.co.uk

Research was conducted by OnePoll in February 2013