25th July 2014

Collectively parents across the country will spend over £11 billion during the summer school holidays

This summer, British parents will be splashing out on average of £1,461.39, in a bid to keep their children entertained during the school holidays. This expenditure includes: a holiday, six day trips, treats, gifts and childcare costs. Collectively parents across the country will boost the UK economy by over £11 billion on keeping their children entertained this summer. These findings have been revealed in a new consumer spending report issued today.

The research conducted by Travelodge, surveyed 2,000 British parents across the UK and key findings revealed that 51% of parents find it very stressful keeping their children entertained during the summer school holidays. The typical working parent will book ten days off work during the summer so that they can stop their children from getting bored at home.

Detailed below is a breakdown of costs that the average family will be incurring over summer so that they can keep their children entertained:

Holiday / short breaks -£663.72
Six days out (Average cost @ £53.07) - £318.42
Treats and gifts -£321.50
Childcare - £157.75
Total costs - £1461.39

The survey also revealed that just a fifth of British parents (19%) are feeling financially confident enough to spend more money this summer on keeping their children entertained.

Further research findings revealed that over half of parents (52%) are keeping their children entertained during the holidays by taking them on a British holiday. A quarter of these households (23%) are taking several short breaks in the UK during the school holidays, whilst 16% of families are taking a traditional week’s holiday on British shores. One in ten families are taking a two-week break in the UK this summer. Just 21% of parents reported that they were taking their children abroad this summer.

When parents were asked what type of Staycation holiday they are taking their children on this summer, 54% of respondents chose a traditional British seaside break. Listed below are the top ten coastal destinations British families are flocking to this summer:

1. Cornwall
2. Devon
3. Blackpool
4. Brighton
5. Scarborough
6. Bournemouth
7. Whitby
8. Skegness
9. Isle of Wight
10. Great Yarmouth

The report also revealed that 37% of parents are taking their children on a UK city break this summer. Listed below are the top five cities families are visiting this summer:

1. London
2. Edinburgh
3. Manchester
4. Liverpool
5. Glasgow

Just under a fifth (18%) of families are planning to spend quality time exploring Britain’s countryside by taking a rural break. Top destinations include: Scottish Highlands, Lake District, Yorkshire Dales and the Cotswolds.

Over half of parents (52%) reported that a Staycation break was a good value option in helping to keep their children entertained this summer, and a further 17% of adults stated that they are taking multiple destination breaks within one trip throughout the UK so that they can get more value from their trip away. A quarter of parents (24%) also reported that they feel it is important to holiday in the UK so that their children can learn about Britain’s heritage.

Listed below are the top ten UK locations where British families are splashing out the most money to keep their children entertained this summer.

Location Average spend
Portsmouth £1818.33
Gloucester £1755.62
Wolverhampton £1678.20
Coventry £1650.49
Cardiff £1645.49
Oxford £1622.75
Leicester £1586.64
York £1574.46
Brighton £1567.19
Glasgow £1505.53

Shakila Ahmed, Travelodge Spokeswoman said: “Keeping the children entertained during the summer school holidays is no easy task. In today’s modern world, children just want to get up and go and seek fun, adventurous activities. Therefore families are taking more short breaks throughout the summer rather than a traditional big break.

This is a growing trend that we are experiencing too as we have had a significant rise in family bookings this summer. Our city centre and coastal hotel rooms are selling rapidly as temperatures are rising. Interestingly, we are seeing many families take multiple location breaks this summer, as it offers a great way to see more of Great Britain within one trip.”

Further research findings revealed that a quarter of Britons (25%) don’t think there are enough free things to do with their children in the UK. A fifth of adults (18%) reported they have been searching for vouchers and coupons to help save money to keep the children entertained during the summer school holidays.

To help families ease the cost of keeping their children entertained during the school holidays, Travelodge has released 100,000 rooms for the summer at £29, from book just visit www.travelodge.co.uk


For further information, please contact:
The Travelodge Press Office on: 01844 35 8703 or email: pressoffice@travelodge.co.uk

Notes to editors
The summer consumer spending report was conducted with 2,000 British parents in July 2014 by OnePoll.

See below for a breakdown of the £11.2 billion figure:

• There are 7,700,000 British families in the UK with dependent children (source ONS)
• The average British family says they will spend:
o £663.72 on a summer holiday
o £321.50 on keeping the children entertained with gifts and treats
o £157.75 on childcare
o £318.42 on day trips (average of six days out at a cost of £53.07 per day trip)

• = £1,461.39 (average spend)

£1,461.39 x 7,700,000 = 11,249,700,000