6th June 2007

Winston Churchill did it, Leonardo Da Vinci was wel l-versed in it and Margaret Thatcher was its biggest fan. New research published today reveals over 23 million adults (49%) want Britain to adopt the siesta culture as practised by our European neighbours.

A new siesta study** conducted by the budget hotel chain, Travelodge, reveals the continental catnap is indeed enjoying a new surge of support in 21st century Britain. A staggering 68% of Brits admit 40 winks during the working day would be beneficial to body and mind and 46% state their day would be more productive as a result of a siesta.

More revealing still is that nearly one in four (24%) would want all the shops to close if the siesta became part of the British way of life and 45% would even be willing to sign an official petition to endorse it.

Of those surveyed, 45% agreed employers should provide rest areas for employees with 43% admitting they would definitely make use of such a facility. Naturally it's not all sleep and no work and earlier starts and shorter lunch breaks were welcomed by over a third of adults to make up that snoozing shortfall.

Listed below are the nation's top 10 cities in favour of a siesta:

1. Glasgow

2. Belfast

3. Sheffield

4. Cambridge

5. Birmingham

6. Liverpool

7. Plymouth

8. Cardiff

9. London

10. Bristol

Wayne Munnelly, Director of Sleep at Travelodge said: "We are always looking at innovative ways to increase our nation's daily quota of sleep and these revealing findings give us a great insight into areas worthy of further investigation. Individuals should build in a few minutes downtime' each day to recharge batteries, whatever your profession, and employers should take note of today's encouraging results."

In response to these startling findings Travelodge is hoisting the siesta campaign flag today by installing hammocks at their Head Office so weary staff have the option of a short afternoon rest.

Professor Jim Horne of the Sleep Research Centre, Loughborough University, comments: "A nap is 'nature's way' of overcoming that afternoon 'dip' in energy levels when we find it difficult to concentrate and think clearly, leading to mistakes. A short nap, or siesta, will restore alertness and improve productivity for the rest of the afternoon".

Boris Johnson, the local MP for Thame, home to Travelodge Head Office, adds: "The hammock initiative being trialled at Travelodge HQ is a very good idea. Now I know where I can grab a quick siesta in my local constituency!"

Listed below are Wayne's top tips to ensure a successful siesta:

· Find a quiet area away from distractions of the office, home or road if on the move

· Lie as flat as possible, preferably on a bed, sofa or (hammock); or recline your car seat as far back as it will go

· Set an alarm for 15-30 minutes

· Cut out bright light by shutting the curtains or blind or by covering your eyes with a mask

· Remember to switch off your mobile phone!

· Consciously relax your body and let your mind gently wander

A siesta service at select Travelodge Hotels is currently being looked into with a view to rolling out nationally in the near future.

The hotel chain surveyed 4352 adults for their 2007 siesta study.


For further information, please contact:

Shakila Ahmed
Travelodge PR Manager
Direct Line: 01844 358 638

Notes to editor:

High resolution images available on request

*23 million figure calculated on basis of 48,000,000 adult population

**Research conducted by Onepole in May 2007 with 4352 UK adults