12th April 2007

Brits are spending a whopping £6.7 billion* a year on rejuvenating quick fix cures to help them cope with the effects of sleep deprivation. Severe fatigue (56%), losing concentration (54%), feeling low / depressed (49%) and not looking good (42%) were listed as key symptoms of the nation's sleep deficit in a Travelodge survey. Nearly one in five also believe it has a negative impact on their sex lives.

The hotel chain's cost of sleep report revealed the nation's most trusted quick fixes to replace and refresh following a bad night's sleep are:

1. Early morning pit stop in a coffee shop (40%)
2. Bottled water (34%)
3. A traditional cup of tea (22%)
4. Smoothie to inject vitamins (20%)
5. Energy drinks (14%)
6. A big breakfast (12%)
7. Expensive make-up to refresh looks (11%)
8. Vitamins (8%)
9. Caffeine pills (2%)
10. Herbal remedies (2%)

The study revealed the size of the nation's sleep deficit as only three per cent of respondents claimed they manage the daily recommended eight hours of sleep per night. Saturday night is the main night Brits indulge in a good night's sleep and Sunday night was voted the worst for sleep deprivation.

The top ten causes of sleep deprivation listed were:
1. Stress
2. Snoring and fidgety partners
3. Socialising
4. Noisy neighbours
5. Nightmares
6. Alcohol
7. Poor diet / eating habits
8. Sex
9. Uncomfortable bed
10. Arguments with partner

Chris Idzikowski, Sleep Expert from Edinburgh Sleep Centre said: "You cannot put a price on a good night's quality sleep. Quick fixes such as coffee, tea and energy drinks are not that useful. Whilst coffee might boost alertness for short time it will not necessarily prevent tiredness - so the chances of being involved in a road traffic accident increase. Whilst water, smoothies and vitamins might make a person feel better they won't replace what's actually needed which is good quality sleep.
Sleep deprivation caused by stress, snoring and fidgety partners are a form of sleeping disorder which can potentially be treated".

Wayne Munnelly, Director of Sleep at Travelodge, commented: "Our research shows that sleep has become one of life's big luxuries. A good quota of sleep isn't just good for our health and welfare; it's also beneficial to our looks and even our wallets. The money we are wasting to recover from sleep deprivation could be saved just by better sleep management."

Travelodge Sleep Director has worked with Chris Idzikowski to develop the following tips on sleep management:

1. Start with the basics and invest in a good bed, it is vital that you purchase a good quality mattress that will provide you with the right posture support. Find a duvet that suits your requirements

2. Ensure your bed linen is clean, it is advisable to change your bedding once a week and turn your mattress every three months

3. Choose bed linen that suits your bedroom colour scheme - your bed has to look inviting and comfortable, make your bed every morning

4. Have a hot shower or bath to relax, before bedtime

5. Enjoy either a hot milky drink, or Camomile tea

6. Clear your mind and write everything down on a piece of paper and leave by your bed for the morning

7. Ensure you have a dark pair of curtains/blinds at your window to make the room as dark as possible and keep out light

8. Ensure the temperature in your room is not too hot or cold - around 18'C

9. Develop relaxation techniques to suit you - learn quiet meditation, listen to soft music, read a book or watch a little TV before falling a sleep

10. Do the good sleep test: block out a whole week during which you make sure you get the required eight hours sleep every night and note how this affects your looks, finances and overall wellbeing - you'll be amazed!

For more information please contact:
Emilie Lien, Lexis PR
T: 020 7908 6421
E: elien@lexispr.com

Shakila Ahmed, Travelodge PR Manager:
T: 01844 358703
E: Shakila.ahmed@travelodge.co.uk

Notes to editors:

Research was conducted In March 2007 by One Poll with 1700 respondents

*£6.7 billion figure calculation: Total spent per month by respondents: £19,900.13, Total spent on average per month by each respondent: £11.70 Total spent per year by each respondent: £140.47 Total spent per year by total UK adults aged 18+: £6,742,560,000

Travelodge offers rooms from £26 book at www.travelodge.co.uk

There are 312 Travelodge hotels throughout the UK, located in all major city centres, airports and tourist attractions