15th November 2006

Over a lifetime, the average Brit suffers nearly 13* years' of broken night's sleep because they're either too hot or cold in bed.

According to a new study revealed today by Travelodge, 87% of the nation have reported trouble sleeping because of the temperature in their bedroom. The most common complaint being too hot to sleep at 64%

More than a third of folk sleep with their bedroom window open all year round to try and stay cool. Despite this 15% would deliberately sleep in a hot room and keep the window closed due to security fears and visiting spiders during the night.

Chris Idzikowski, Sleep Expert from Edinburgh Sleep Centre said: "It is not surprising that so many Brits have trouble sleeping due to the temperature in their bedroom; as not many people are aware that their body temperature must go down during the night to get a good nights sleep. Body temperature minimum is usually around 04.00 am and this is controlled by the brain. If the minimum is not achieved then sleep is disturbed. Too make it more complicated if the room is too cold at the start of the night then brain will try to maintain body temperature preventing heat loss and thus also disturbing sleep."

Not everyone feels enough heat as 3% of the nation always goes to bed with the heating on overnight and a third wear pyjamas to keep warm under the duvet.

The temperature also causes arguments as couples try to agree on the heat in their bedroom. Almost a third of Brits argue with their partner about the room temperature before going to bed. To avoid arguing 10% will use two different duvets on the same bed. Whilst one in ten folk will sleep in a separate room because they couldn't agree on a temperature.

Idzikowski, Sleep Expert, said: "As the 'right temperature' for an individual is vital to sleep well and as sleep is like other behaviours such as eating and drinking, it is not surprising that irritability and hostility erupt in the bedroom. Partners need to work together on creating the ideal sleeping temperature that works with both bodies.

"The trick is to find the right balance - body temperature' needs to be sufficient so that the veins in your hands face and feet can release heat. This can be resolved by having the correct room temperature with the right tog of duvet and wearing the appropriate nightwear"

Chris Idzikowski has worked with Travelodge to develop a sleeping temperature formula in order to a good night sleep:

Air temperature + high/low tog duvet +/ - night clothes = good night's sleep

(65F / 18C + 10 tog duvet + cotton PJ's = good night's sleep)

In winter, as the temperature drops, the nation resort to the following solutions to help keep them warm during the night:

40% dig out extra blankets to help keep them warm in bed.
43% have a milky drink in bed to warm them up
37% opt to wear warmer and extra clothing in bed
32% turn to an electric blanket to keep warm
30% cuddle up with a hot water bottle
23% wear bed socks

Whilst less common remedies suggested by respondents from the research study have included:

For winter:
- Share body heat and cuddle up with your partner to get warm
- Let your pet dog or cat sleep on your bed to help keep you warm

For summer:
- Sleep with your feet out of the duvet to stay cool
- Make a hot water bottle into a cold water bottle for the summer nights place in the fridge during the day

General tips:
- Sew two different single quilts together; so that you and your partner have the ideal duvet
- If you get to hot, sleep on top, while your partner sleeps under the duvet

Fifty two per cent of women have reported a noticeable change in body temperature which affects their sleeping pattern each month due to their menstrual cycle. With 35% losing between one to three nights of sleep and nearly 20% of women losing up to six nights of sleep a month due to "Time of the Month".

Working with Chris Idzikowski Travelodge has developed the following sleep temperature tips:

1. Experiment with room temperature and find what is best for you the ideal temperature should be in the mid-60's degrees Fahrenheit (18C). A cool bedroom is better for sleep than a warm one. Temperatures above 75 degrees Fahrenheit and below 54 degrees will awaken people

2. If you are cold, wear bed socks or put a hot water bottle by your feet - Warm feet is a sign of healthy blood flow which may help induce restful sleep

3. Invest in several duvets to suit all seasons: summer - 4.5 tog, spring to autumn - 9.0 to10.5 tog and winter - 12 to 13.5 togs

4. Your bedroom should not be stuffy, place some water by your radiator to humidify the air

5. Use a natural fibre, which absorbs body moisture such as 100% cotton, linen or a mixture for bedding

6. Set your heating timer so that your room is warm prior to bedtime and switched on 30mins before you wake up in the morning

7. Wear cotton or linen pyjamas


For further information, please contact:
Shakila Ahmed, PR Manager
Direct Line - 01844 35 8638
Mobile - 07802 702 499
Email - shakila.ahmed@travelodge.co.uk

Notes to Editor:

Research study was conducted by 72 point amongst 2000 respondents in October 2006

13 years of broken sleep was calculated using the following equation:

The average Brit has 6.5 nights a month affected because of the temperature.
This is then multiplied by 12 to get the number of affected nights sleep in a year (78), this figure is then multiplied by average adult life expectancy (60.5) to get the number in a lifetime (4719) is then divided by 365 days in a year to get a total of 12.92 = 13 years

Chris Idzikowski, Sleep Expert, Edinburgh Sleep Centre can be contacted on 0131 524 9730

Travelodge was the first budget hotel brand to launch in the UK in 1985. It currently has 293 hotels across the UK, Ireland and Spain with the majority in city centres, near attractions and airports.