22nd October 2010

Alternative rock band Coldplay, the Canadian crooner Michael Buble and the Indie group Snow Patrol are sending Britons to the land of nod - according to findings from a new kip report issued today

The sleep study conducted by Travelodge surveyed 6,000 British adults to investigate which musicians Britons tune into at bedtime, to help them nod off.

Findings revealed previous kip chart winner's Coldplay still has the 'snooze factor' - with Chris Martin's monotonous, meditative melodies claiming the number one position for lulling Britons into slumber. (Coldplay topped the kip charts in 2008 when the survey was previously conducted)

Heart throb and swing vocalist Michael Buble took second place in helping the nation nod off with his dulcet tones. Third place in the kip charts was award to the Scottish / Irish indie boy band, Snow Patrol - who many people believe are the most boring band in Britain.

Britons voted the 'Princess of Soul' Alicia Keys as their fourth favourite sleep inducing singer whilst fifth place was awarded to singer-songwriter, surfer, and soft rock musician Jack Johnson.

Listed below are the top ten musicians that help Britons nod off

1. Coldplay
2. Michael Buble
3. Snow Patrol
4. Alicia Keys
5. Jack Johnson
6. Taylor Swift
7. Mozart
8. Barry White
9. Leona Lewis
10. Radiohead

The study also explored the nations bedtime musical habits and key findings revealed 84% of Britons reported listening to music helps aid a good night's sleep.

Fifteen per cent of adults stated they get a much better night's sleep if they have listened to music before drifting off. Whilst 13% of Britons claimed they have nice dreams when they fall asleep listening to music.

A quarter of adults surveyed reported they fall asleep listening to their iPod and they have a specific sleep inducing melody file.

Twenty per cent of adults reported they love listening to classical music at bedtime, with the most popular sleep inducing composers being Mozart, Beethoven and Bach.

Stevie Williams, Sleep Expert from the Edinburgh Sleep Centre said: "Results from various sleep studies undertaken with a variety of male and female groups, has indicated that listening to soft, relaxing music at bedtime; leads to a number of different benefits to a nights sleep."

"These benefits include a longer sleep duration period, fewer night time awakenings and shortening of the time it takes to fall asleep".

Leigh McCarron, Travelodge Sleep Director said: "In todays hectic fast-paced world, stress is the number one trigger for keeping 75% of Britons awake at night. Therefore it's no surprise that eight out of ten Britons rely on music to help them nod off. Studies from around the world have highlighted that listening to music does relax you. After a long stressful day it's essential that you de-stress to aid sleep and listening to music will help focus your attention and assist your body and mind to relax."

"The 2010 'Kip Charts' has highlighted that Britons listen to different genres of music to lull them to sleep and its not just traditional soft melodic tunes. The secret is to find a piece of music that will help you to unwind and most importantly give your brain peace of mind"


For further information, please contact:
Shakila Ahmed
M: 07802 702 499

Notes to Editors
The research was conduced with a sample of 6,000 adults in September 2010