3rd March 2008


A new report issued today revealed that three quarters of the nation (74%) believe the ultimate indulgence of having breakfast in bed is on the way out and will be completely extinct within the next decade. The study by budget hotel chain, Travelodge, showed that 40% of adults could not remember the last time they were treated to breakfast between the sheets; whilst one in five Brits have never experienced this luxury in their lives.

The main reasons given by respondents as to why they no longer experience the pleasure of a leisurely breakfast in bed are listed below:

1. Lack of time (36%)
2. Breakfast should be eaten at the table (24%)
3. Crumbs in the bed (18%)
4. It feels lazy (9%)
5. Its not romantic (2%)

The study conducted amongst 2,500 British also identified that 43% of unfortunate Brits have experienced an accident whilst eating breakfast in bed with seven per cent (7%) of people actually scalding themselves with hot drinks - a worrying development for the 27% of respondents who eat breakfast in bed in the buff. (More men at 47% eat breakfast naked in bed compared to just 12% of women) The top five breakfast dishes Brits like to eat in bed are:

1. Tea and toast
2. Full English breakfast
3. Cereal
4. Croissant / pastries
5. Boiled egg and soldiers

The findings also revealed that 52% of Brits would like to enjoy the luxury of eating breakfast in bed more often and felt this tradition was important for celebrating occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries and special days such as Mothers Day. The 'breakfast in bed league table', below lists the top occasions where Brits feel a most important meal of the day should be enjoyed between the sheets:

1. Birthday
2. Just saying 'I love you' at the weekend
3. Mothers Day
4. Valentines Day
5. Anniversary
6. To impress a date - the morning after
7. Fathers Day
8. Christmas
9. Easter
10. Celebrating a new job or promotion

Nine per cent of Brits from the research revealed - The 'I Love You' breakfast in bed (Voted number two in the league table) resulted in a wedding proposal for them. Twice as many men at six per cent have been proposed to over breakfast in bed in comparison to just three per cent of women.

Leigh McCarron , Travelodge Sleep Director said: "There are few things in life more luxurious than having a decadent breakfast in bed and this is one tradition as a nation we should preserve. I would urge Brits to have regular lie-ins and what better way to spend even more time in bed than to indulge in a hearty breakfast with a loved one."

Findings included 41% of Brits are lucky to have a partner, who is willing to sacrifice their snooze time in order to rise and shine in the kitchen by indulging them with breakfast in bed. A quarter (25%) of unlucky Brits have to get up and do it themselves and seven per cent (7%) of children will pamper their parents by making them breakfast in bed.


For further information, please contact:
Shakila Ahmed
Travelodge Press Office
T: 01844 35 8703
E: pressoffice@travelodge.co.uk

Notes to Editor:
The study was conducted amongst 2,500 British adults in February 2008 by Onepoll