28th May 2008

Enterprising kids across the country are charging on average £1.00 (per task) for tidying their bedroom, washing the family car, walking the pet dog, cleaning the bathroom and even cooking the evening meal, in a bid to top up their pocket money allowance; a new report by Travelodge has revealed.

With the average pocket money allowance being £2.00 per week, British kids are cashing in on their parents' hectic lifestyle and offering to do household chores so that they can boost their allowance by up to £10 - giving them an annual income of up £520. Favourite money earning chores are tidying bedrooms and making beds.

Listed below are the top ten household chores kids are cashing in on:

1. Tidying their bedroom
2. Washing the family car
3. Washing the dishes
4. Vacuuming
5. Dusting the house
6. Making their beds and other family members beds
7. Cleaning the bathroom
8. Walking the dog
9. Making dinner
10. Cleaning another family members bedroom

(Kids are using their additional income to top up their mobile cards so that they can text friends, buy the latest computer games, gadgets and clothes and accessories)

The research also revealed children as young as four years old are making their bed every morning whilst their parents did not start till they were eight years old. In addition nearly a quarter of children change their own bedding regularly with only four per cent being paid for doing it.

Paul Anstey, Travelodge Operations Director said: "Today's entrepreneurial kids may be cashing in on keeping their bedrooms tidy but this is a small price for parents to pay to instil the importance of having a clean bedroom. A child's room should always be kept clean and tidy in order to ensure they get a good night's sleep.

"It's interesting that kids as young as four years old are making their own beds in contrast to when their parents started at the age of eight years old. It's vital that today's generation are aware of simple bedroom tasks such as making a bed as it will affect their behaviour towards their bedroom and sleep in later life".

Corrine Sweet, Relationship Psychologist said: "Its definitely a sign of the times that kids are being paid to do tasks their time-poor parents can't manage. However, if handled well, earning additional pocket money for doing household tasks can instil a good work ethic in children. These findings also show that today's children are more powerful and expect more today, than their parents' and grandparents' generations did."

The Travelodge poll of 4000 parents also revealed details of whether the age old arguments still take place between parents and children regarding their bedrooms.

Findings revealed some things never change as 65% of modern parents still banish their children to their bedroom as a form of punishment when they have misbehaved. Sixty three per cent of parents also regularly argue with their kids regarding the state of their room.

Listed below are the top five disagreements between parents and children regarding their bedroom;

1. Eating in the room (25%)

2. Playing their music too loud (24%)

3. Adding their own personal mark graffiti on the walls (17%)

4. Not getting out of bed (13%)

5. Putting posters of their favourite celebrities on the wall (9%)

Twenty eight per cent of parents have given in to their spoilt offspring and let them decorate their bedroom exactly how they want to. Worryingly one in ten parents are not allowed to set foot into their children's room.

The poll also found that apart from doing the household chores, 47% of children top up their piggy banks with visits from the tooth fairy with two thirds of parents giving their children an average of £1.00 for every tooth that falls out.

Listed below are the top three places, where the tooth fairy leaves her gift of £1.00

1. Under the pillow (59%)

2. Bedside table (9%)

3. With parents so that they can give the money to the child in person (5%)

Listed below are tips by Corrine Sweet on how to involve children into doing household chores;

- Explain to children that it's good to be responsible for tidying their bedroom, making their bed as it empowers them about their environment

- Get kids involved in doing household jobs from around the age of five years, as it boosts their confidence to do things like lay the table, feed the cat and watering plants.

- Offer money for extra jobs, but don't pay for all chores, as doing household jobs is all part of growing up and being part of family life;

- Lead by example - do as I do, not do as I say - do tasks together to make them more fun. Kids will learn more by your side

Dont expect too much too soon, and praise any task they finish - this will spur them on to do chores, paid or unpaid. Don't nag, encourage.


For further information, please contact:

Shakila Ahmed
T:01844 35 8638

Notes to Editor:

The poll was conducted by OnePoll amongst 4000 British parents in April 2008

Findings also revealed that Eight per cent of kids even charge their parents for doing their homework.