31st December 2011

<strong>Over a third of Britons will be hitting the sack instead of the dance floor this New Year’s Eve</strong>

This New Year’s Eve over a third of Britons will welcome 2012 in the land of nod according to new research released today.

The survey conducted by Travelodge with 6,000 British adults investigated how the nation will be spending this New Year’s Eve. Key findings from the research revealed that this year 34% of Britons will forgo the annual New Year countdown celebrations instead for a good night’s sleep. When quizzed to why they are opting to nap through the New Year celebrations the top three answers given where:

1. I find New Year’s Eve depressing and I would rather sleep through it and start 2012 as any other normal day
2. It has been a tough year and I don’t have the spare cash to go out on New Year’s Eve and it’s cheaper just to sleep it through.
3. I never know what to do on New Year’s Eve – If I go out I feel like I
should be at home celebrating with the family and vice-versa. Sleeping through seems like a good option this year

Further research findings revealed the average time, New Year’s Eve sleepers will be hitting the sack is at 10.38pm. Sixty eight per cent of the respondents that are sleeping through New Year’s Eve said they will have a celebratory bedtime tipple, between the sheets. The popular three beverages being brandy, whisky and champagne. Seventy eight per cent of the New Year’s Eve sleepers also reported they are looking forward to having a good lie in on New Year’s Day and will be waking up around10.30am.

The research also investigated which UK regions have the most New Year’s Eve Sleepers; listed below are the top ten findings:

1. North East
2. East Anglia
3. South East
4. South West
5. East Midlands
6. North West
7. Scotland
8. Yorkshire
9. Northern Ireland
10. London

Further findings in the survey revealed that just a fifth of Britons will be going out and painting the town red this New Year’s Eve. A quarter of adults are opting to bring in 2012 with family and friends by hosting a traditional New Year’s Eve party in the comfort of their homes. Twenty four per cent of Britons will be travelling across the UK to bring in the New Year with their family and friends. On average they will be travelling around 60 miles.

One in ten Britons has decided to getaway and take a New Year’s Eve themed short break this year. Eighty six per cent of these holidaymakers will be celebrating the arrival of 2012 in a UK city. The most popular New Year Eve holiday destinations for this year are:

1. London
2. Manchester
3. Edinburgh
4. Leeds
5. Liverpool
6. Cardiff
7. Newcastle
8. Aberdeen / Glasgow
9. Birmingham
10. The Lake District

Shakila Ahmed, Travelodge Spokeswoman said: “How Britons celebrate New Year’s Eve is certainly changing in today’s society. Our research has highlighted that the traditional night of partying is not for everyone. In today’s hectic world, some adults are defying a night of fun and frolics for an early night.”

“New Year’s Eve is one of our busiest trading periods and this year we have seen a significant rise in bookings for the New Year period. Most of our city centre hotels are completely booked out. The most popular destinations are the UK’s biggest party city which includes: London, Edinburgh, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool and Newcastle.

“This year we have also noticed a new holiday trend; Britons are not just travelling to visit family and friends for Christmas Day but are also making the effort for the New Year period. We have seen a year on year increase in room bookings for Britons visiting family and friends for New Year’s Eve and Day this year”

Further research findings revealed that 27 million Britons are expected to make New Year resolutions over the next few days, but just under half (41%) will have broken them by the end of January. The top five pledges Britons will be making for 2012 are:

1. To lose weight and adopt a healthy eating lifestyle
2. Sort our finances, pay off credit cards and save money
3. To get a better work life balance
4. To get a better job
5. To make more me time and see friends more regularly


For further information, please contact:
Matt Flanders
Corporate PR Manager
T +44 (0)1844 358 633
M +44 (0)7909 954 689

About Travelodge:
The first budget hotel brand to launch in the UK in 1985, Travelodge now operates over 490 hotels and over 33,500 rooms across the UK, Ireland (11) and Spain (4). Travelodge plans to grow its estate to 1,100 hotels and 100,000 rooms by 2025. Over 13 million people stayed with Travelodge last year and 90% of reservations are currently made online at www.travelodge.co.uk, where room rates start at £19 per night. The chain employs over 6,000 staff.

Notes to editors:
The research was conducted in December 2011 with a sample of 6,000 Britons