27th March 2007

Nearly nine million Brits are living in fear of what lies beneath their own bed, according to a new survey. Mouldy crockery, adult magazines, caged pets, dirty laundry, general household rubbish and hundreds of personal secrets (diaries) are just some of the items folk let lie beneath them while they sleep.

The research by budget hotel chain Travelodge also revealed it's women who are the worst offenders with 21% sheepishly admitting to storing dirty plates underneath their bed compared to just 16% of men. A worrying thought when an alarming 17.2 million (37%) adults said they only venture underneath their beds with a vacuum cleaner once a year!

List of more unusual finds under Brits beds include:

1. Ceramic cooking hob

2. Contraceptives

3. Knitting machine

4. Wedding dress

5. Alcohol

6. A mouldy Chinese takeaway

7. Guitar

8. A model car collection

9. A cash box

10. A china tea set

According to the survey, over a quarter of UK adults said under the bed would be the first place they would look to find something juicy about another person. More than a quarter of folk said they would be very embarrassed if somebody else looked under their bed. It's not surprising when over 18.6 million (40%) Brits confessed that under the bed was the first place to shove stuff when in a panic or a rush to tidy up.

A sheepish six per cent of females said they keep adult toys under the bed and three per cent hide love letters from old boyfriends.

The research also revealed that some unsuspecting respondents found much more than they bargained for when looking under the bed... Examples include:

One young man was helping his mother-in-law move her bed into another room only to discover her collection of adult toys.

One respondent returned home to find his wife in bed and a "rustling sound" coming from under the bed - which turned out to be the wife's secret girlfriend.

A woman respondent feared there was a gas leak upstairs in her home, only to discover the smell was coming from a pair of her husband's sweaty football socks which had been hiding under their bed for two years.

Travelodge, Director of Sleep, Wayne Munnelly said: "It is too easy to hide items under your bed. We all do it, but we have to remember, out of sight, out of mind can have detrimental effects on our health and quality of sleep. Your bed is a haven and its surroundings should be clean and clutter free to aid a good night sleep and that includes under your bed."


Regularly de-clutter under your bed (try using colour coordinated boxes to sort out your clutter e.g. red for recycling, green for charity shop)
Use close-lid storage boxes to minimise dust collection
Dust your bed and bedside furniture before vacuuming - use a damp cloth to improve dust collection
Clean underneath your bed regularly - experts suggest cleaning at least every two months to ensure a tranquil sleeping environment
Sprinkle baking soda onto your mattress, leave for 15 minutes and vacuum off - this eliminates any bad odours


For more information please contact:

Shakila Ahmed
PR Manager
T: 01844 358703
E: Shakila.ahmed@travelodge.co.uk

Notes to editor:

Research conducted by 72 point in March 2007 with 2000 UK adults

Statistics calculated on the basis of 46,613,000 adults over the age of 18 in the UK (24,121,700 women and 22,491,300 men)


37% of respondents only vacuum one a year -17,246,810 UK adults

(46,613,000/100*37 = 17,246,810)

19% of respondents are scared to clean under their bed - 8,856,470 UK adults (46,613,000/100*19 = 8,856,470)

40% of respondents said that under their bed was the first place they would shove something if they were in a rush to tidy up - 18,645,200 UK adults

(46,613,000/100*40 = 18,645,200)

Personal secrets found beneath the bed relate to Brits storing their personal diaries under their beds.

The top ten most common items found under the bed include:

1. Bedding and blankets
2. Shoes
3. Wintersummer clothes
4. Books
5. Old Magazines
6. Photos
7. Christmas Presents
8. Suitcases
9. CDs/DVDs/Records
10. Bank statements Bills