25th October 2007

Men sleepwalking in the buff is on the rise according to a new report released today by Travelodge. Results from the company's annual 'sleepwalker audit', has reported a seven fold increase in sleepwalking customers, compared to 2006.

An astounding 95% of the hotel chain's sleepwalkers have been naked men. These night time sleeping wanderers were found in Travelodge reception areas across the UK, requesting the following information:

- Where is the bathroom
- Can I check out as I am late for work
- Do you have a copy of todays paper

One naked male sleepwalker even managed to get himself locked out of the hotel and later arrested. On each occasion, hotel staff were able to direct the guests safely back to their rooms.

To further the budget chain's analysis of sleepwalking, Travelodge also conducted an independent sleepwalking study amongst 3000 British adults. Research revealed that three million Brits were now sleepwalking on more than one occasion each week - that's a six fold rise on last year.

The top five sleepwalking activities reported by Brits were:

1. Opening the curtains
2. Watching TV
3. Getting dressed
4. Eating and drinking
5. Going for a walk

In response to these findings, Travelodge is today re-issuing its 'Sleepwalkers Guide' to all of its hotels. The guide includes tips on how to handle a sleepwalker as well as hotel procedures including, requests to keep a supply of towels in reception to preserve a nude sleepwalker's dignity.

Leigh McCarron, Travelodge's Sleep Director said: "Sleepwalking is on the rise throughout the UK. We have seen an increased number of cases over the years so it is important that our staff know how to help sleepwalkers when it arises."

Further findings from the study revealed the top five causes for sleepwalking are:

1. Stress
2. Alcohol
3. Cheese
4. Eating too late
5. Caffeine

Chris Idzikowski, Sleep Expert from Edinburgh Sleep Centre said: "These figures are a surprise. Sleepwalking is a serious disorder that can develop for a variety of reasons. It can be triggered by a stressful lifestyle, sleep deprivation, alcohol abuse or not breathing properly during the night. Sleep walking is most likely within an hour or two of going to bed, when first slipping into a deep sleep.

"Part of the brain switches into auto pilot and can manage well-learned movements such as walking, bending or sitting despite other parts being in a deep sleep. Sleepwalkers will awake quite unable to recall any of their actions and can be quite distressing. Other forms of 'sleepwalking' involve acting out dreams."

The sleepwalking study also found that 11% of respondents have injured themselves whilst sleep walking. The top three injuries were bruising (55%), a cut or graze (20%) and breaking a bone (11%).

Listed below are the top ten UK cities which have the highest population of sleepwalkers:

1. Norwich (40%)
2. Belfast (32%)
3. Newcastle (27%)
4. Coventry (26%)
5. Edinburgh (26%)
6. Liverpool (24%)
7. Sheffield (24%)
8. Leeds (23%)
9. London (22%)
10. Cambridge (20%)


For further information, please contact:
Travelodge PR Department
T: 01844 35 8703

Notes to editor:
Research was conducted amongst 310 Travelodge hotels within the UK in July 2007
Annually 6.5 million people stay with Travelodge
The independent sleepwalking study was conducted amongst 3000 British adults by OnePoll in July 2007
In 2006, the Travelodge sleepwalking study identified that 1.2 million Brits admitted to sleepwalking between once and twice a month and half a million Brits admitted to sleepwalking several times a week
Statistics based on number of UK adults 46, 613, 000 according to ONS
British men = 22,491,300
British women = 24, 121,700