17th June 2008

In a UK first, budget hotel chain Travelodge is trialling 'a-room-atherapy at a selection of its hotels - with the launch of a unique series of 'ReminiScents'. The specially scented sheets have been designed to evoke happy and comforting memories for guests, in a bid to help them nod off.

The 'ReminiScents' have been developed around the top five scents Brits would like to be surrounded by, as they drop off to sleep, The fragrances were identified following the feedback from a national 'Senses Census' of over 5,000 Britons.

Guests at selected Travelodge hotels will be able to choose from the following exclusive ReminiScents free of charge:

- The Sea - to evoke memories of holidays. The sea is the number one scent that Brits would like to be surrounded by as they drop off to sleep, comforting 45% by bringing back memories of happy holidays. Also ideal for those who are used to living by the coast.

- Freshly Cut Grass - to evoke the scents of summer. Almost a quarter (21%) wanted to nod off to the smell of freshly cut grass, reminding them of long, happy summer days. Also ideal for those who are used to living in the country.

- Baby powder to remind guests of their children. The ideal comforter for doting parents, with one in five (18%) choosing to be surrounded by the smell of their baby when away from home to lull them into slumber

- Home-baked Apple Pie - to create a home-from-home experience for guests. Baking and cooking aromas are the most comforting scents for almost over one in ten (12%) Britons

- Chocolate the ideal pick me up for women. The scent of chocolate and sugary sweets is the most comforting smell for 9% of UK women

Travelodge Sleep Director, Leigh McCarron said: "Annually nearly seven million people stay with us. For some consumers, being away from home and loved ones is difficult and can cause sleep deprivation. In a bid, to help our customers get a good nights sleep, we are always looking for innovate ways to help activate sleep. Our new 'ReminiScents' have been designed, to evoke comforting memories, acting as a catalyst to induce relaxation and sleep

"We have explored the power of smell because it has a greater ability to raise an emotion of well being within an individual, in contrast to seeing a picture or hearing a voice. Interestingly the Senses Census identified the top smells that would help Brits to drop off to sleep easily are scents associated with partners, children, home and holidays rather than the traditional scents of lavender and vanilla".

The poll also revealed that more Brits would rather drop off to the smell of vapour rub and curry than the time-honoured tangs of marjoram and neroli. One in ten respondents most miss the scent of their pet when away from home, while eight per cent miss the earthy scent of their garden and one in twenty would like to bottle their partner's natural body odour.

Corrine Sweet, Psychologist said: Familiar and evocative scents can be a great 'destressor' for people away from home, making them feel surrounded by loved-ones and secure in remembering happier times. This is particularly important when we need to drop off in a strange bed, as smell goes straight to the emotional memory bank and can be the key to a good night's sleep".

"Particular smells are associated with our childhood, such as freshly baked apple pie, sea air from holidays and freshly mown lawns. When good memories are evoked, endorphines can be released into the bloodstream, creating a 'feel good factor'. This can promote a good night's sleep - it all makes sense".

The 'Senses Census' also identified the following results:

- Smell was revealed as the sense which overwhelmingly triggers happy memories (57%) ahead of sight and sound
- One in ten Brits take a partners aftershave / perfume away with them to help them sleep
- One in twenty adults deprive their child of their blanket or teddy bear so they can take the scent with them as a comforter
- When it comes to sex, 31% men are turned on by their partner's natural body
odour while women prefer the scent of their partner's aftershave 33%. Meanwhile, the smell of chocolate is an aphrodisiac for 5% of the population

The 'ReminiScents' can either be placed inside a pillowcase or on top of a pillow. The sheets are free of charge for customers staying at the following Travelodge trial hotels Edinburgh Haymarket, Newcastle Central, Birmingham Fort Dunlop, Nottingham Central and Heathrow T5. (Guests can also take the sheets away to use at home, as they will last up to a week).

Author of The ICI Report on the Secrets of the Senses, Oxford University's Prof Charles Spence says: "Smell is the sense with the closest links to the emotional and memory centres of our brains. Smell differs from our other senses because of its heavy emotional weighting and the unique ability that certain scents, such as those being developed by Travelodge, have to take us back in time and to remind us of happy childhood memories. Research now shows that the release of relaxing scents in the bedroom can also lead to a significant enhancement in the quality and duration of peoples sleep".

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Notes to Editors:

- The poll of 5,021 UK adults was conducted by One Poll in May 2008

- The ReminiScents have been created by The Aroma Company

- ReminiScents will be available on a first come, first serve basis

- Images available on request

Media contacts:

To request samples or for more information, please contact Shakila Ahmed at: 01844 35 8638 or 07802 702 499