13th November 2007


Britain's only professional Santa School will take place at the Covent Garden Travelodge on Tuesday 13 November 2007.

THE MINISTRY OF FUN is preparing to run its annual SANTA SCHOOL on Tuesday 13 November at one of Travelodge's central London hotels.

At the school, twenty professional Father Christmas performers will be put through their paces in lessons designed to ensure they can recreate the magic of Santa in every way.

The festive academy, which will be held at the Covent Garden Travelodge on High Holborn, will offer instruction in costume, character, reindeer names, toy news and how to produce the perfect "Ho Ho Ho!"

After graduation, each performer will be given their own costume in readiness for the festive season.

James Lovell, Ministry Of Fun Director and official Santa Instructor, said: "All the signs are pointing to a bumper Christmas this year. Bookings are already up on 2006 and so, more than ever, I believe Father Christmas will be a magical part of everyone's life - and we dont just mean the children!"

Jason Cotta, Operations Director at Travelodge said: "We're delighted the Father Christmases have decided to stop at our Travelodge in the heart of the West End. It's the perfect location for the Santas to get an idea of the most popular toys on sale in Oxford Street and then enjoy a night out to celebrate their graduation!"

The Ministry of Fun is Britain's number one Santa supplier, providing Santa "look-a-likes" to locations all over Britain for over ten years.

James Lovell is keen to stress however, that the real Father Christmas does exist, and that they are only helping him out on those very rare occasions that he can't be in two places at once...

TIME 10 A.M.
DATE Tuesday 13 November 2007
ADDRESS Covent Garden Travelodge 10 Drury Lane WC2B 5RE

The photo call will take place at 10 a.m. in the courtyard outside the Covent Garden Travelodge. The Santas will then move to the Travelodge Bar Cafe, via the entrance on the corner of Museum Street and High Holborn, to begin their lessons.

For further information, please contact:
Travelodge Press Office
01844 358 703

10 a.m. - PHOTOCALL
25 Santas congregate on hotel steps.
Meeting address: 10 Drury Lane, Covent Garden

11 a.m. - School begins in Travelodge Bar Café (entrance on
High Holborn)
Introduction/ History of Santa

11.30 a.m. - Costume and Make up Workshop

12 noon - Characterisation Workshop

12.30 p.m. - Languages and reindeer names

1.00 p.m. - Lunch: Turkey Sandwiches, Mince Pies and sherry

2 p.m. - What's Hip This Christmas (Gift & Music Guide)

2.30 p.m. - Role play and common scenarios with help from Elves

3 p.m. - Graduation Ceremony.

3.30 pm - End.
