12th April 2007

Sleep starvation is costing British women an annual expense of £580 million in the name of beauty. This equates to an additional expense of £48 million each month on expensive moisturisers, make-up and masks to combat the effects of sleep deprivation, according to new research revealed today.

The study conducted by Travelodge investigated the UK's sleeping habits and cures for sleep deprivation. Key findings identified, on average women suffer a bad night's sleep five times a month. Only a quarter of women in the UK get their daily quota of eight hours of sleep per night. During the week, women get the least amount of sleep on a Thursday and the most on a Saturday. The main three reasons for sleep deprivation are stress, snoring partners and partying.

Nearly half (48%) of the women surveyed confirmed lack of sleep was affecting their looks and they are spending more money than ever making up for their lack of beauty sleep.

Beauty Guru to the stars, John Gustafson said: "No amount of expensive creams and cover-ups can make up for the high beauty value of a good night's sleep. Inadequate sleep results in dull skin, dark circles under the eyes and blood-shot eyes which cutting edge beauty products can't deal with entirely.

"Sleep is a luxury everyone can afford - nothing beats that clear-skinned, fresh-faced look in the morning. Not only do we look better after a good night's sleep, we also exude more confidence and a general sense of wellbeing, which is very attractive too."

A list celebrity, Victoria Beckham confirms "The best things you can do for your skin don't cost a penny: get lots of sleep and drink loads of water".

John Gustafson is urging women to invest in the ultimate beauty tonic - "Sleep" with the following tips:

Try to get a full eight hours sleep every night for a week

Keep a sleep bank account, ensure you top up when you have bad nights sleep and build credits for big nights out

Boost the positive effects of sleep by applying a rich night moisturiser every night

Drink at least eight glasses of water a day as a good health tonic

For more information please contact:
Emilie Lien, Lexis PR
T: 020 7908 6421
E: elien@lexispr.com

Shakila Ahmed, Travelodge PR Manager:
T: 01844 358703
E: Shakila.ahmed@travelodge.co.uk

Notes to editors:
Research conducted by One Poll in March 2007 with 1,700 UK adults

Victoria Beckham quote was obtained from her latest book "That extra half inch" page 273

Statistics calculated on the basis of 48,000,000 adults over the age of 18 in the UK, 24,000,000 women

1,258 women responded to Travelodge survey, of which 155.7 spend an average of £15 on make-up a month, totalling £2335.5 a month

26.9 spend an average of £7.50 on eye masks a month, totalling £201.75
Total monthly cost £2536.75, averaging £2.01 per month per woman and £24.19 per year per woman This equates to:
£48,239,999 per month for all UK women aged 18+ £580,560,000 per year for all UK women aged 18+

The hotel chain's cost of sleep report revealed the nation's most trusted quick fixes to replace and refresh following a bad night's sleep are:

1. Early morning pit stop in a coffee shop (40%)
2. Bottled water (34%)
3. A traditional cup of tea (22%)
4. Smoothie to inject vitamins (20%)
5. Energy drinks (14%)
6. A big breakfast (12%)
7. Expensive make-up to refresh looks (11%)
8. Vitamins (8%)
9. Caffeine pills (2%)
10. Herbal remedies (2%)