5th July 2007

Coventry has been crowned the nation's snoring capital, beating off stiff competition from Sheffield and Glasgow to the title. Other contenders to reach the UK's top five snoring hotspots include Plymouth and Leeds. These findings have been revealed today in the Travelodge 'Snore Report' which also identifies the extent of the growing bedroom rumblings problem across the UK.

Research identified a massive 28.5 million British adults are snorers* - that's three in four Brits. Thirty four per cent of respondents from the study also admitted that their snoring can prevent their partner from getting a good night's sleep.

So big is the problem that snorers can be classified by the sound they make and Travelodge has compiled a list of the top five 'snorer types':

1. The Snorter (18%) - distinguished by a rapid blowing of air through the nostrils and mouth, similar to the sound of a horse snorting
2. The Snorchestra (12%) typified by long, low snores that gradually build into a deafening crescendo
3. The McEnroe (10%) - distinguished by violent grunting sounds, similar to the noise made by tennis stars when competing
4. The Walrus (8%) - typified by continuous groaning noises when sleeping
5. The Old Banger (5%) - sounds like a broken car with a spluttering engine

When it comes to bedroom activity, snoring is having a real impact on relationships with 21% of Brits blaming snoring for making them feel less sexy in the bedroom, while a further 10% of respondents said the embarrassment of snoring has stopped them sleeping with a new partner. Meanwhile 20% of respondents who are in a relationship divulged that their snoring has had a negative effect on their relationship.

The study also found that as many as one in five (19%) children are guilty of night-time rumblings and around one in three households (32%) have a pet that has a snoring problem.

Wayne Munnelly, Director of Sleep at Travelodge, said: "Snoring is nothing to joke about; it can lead to sleep deprivation for snorers and their partner, with profound impacts on both individuals' lifestyles. Symptoms include daytime sleepiness, lack of energy, poor motivation, high stress levels and a low libido".

Famous people renowned for their snoring include Winston Churchill, Michael Douglas, Chris Moyles, Ken Russell, John McCririck and Teddy Roosevelt, whose snoring was so bad that when he once stayed in a Washington hospital, all the other patients had to be relocated to a different floor so that they could sleep.

Chris Idzikowski, Sleep Expert from Edinburgh Sleep Centre, comments: "Modern lifestyles can be blamed for this increase in snoring, with boozing, and unhealthy eating to blame. Our research shows that although snoring is often made fun of, it's a real problem that can have important effects on our wellbeing and lifestyle. Apart from lack of sleep and tiredness, snoring can cause intimacy issues and put an unnecessary strain on relationships. But there are a number of things people can do to prevent andor reduce snoring".

Travelodge has worked with sleeping expert Chris Idzikowski to develop the following tips to help combat snoring:

1. Change your sleeping position - snoring can often be cause by reduced airflow to the nasal passages. Sleep with raising your head off the mattress and sleep on your side or stomach to help increase airflow through your nose
2. Be health-wise - reduce your intake of alcohol and lose weight - throat tissues are less firm and more inclined to vibrate when you are overweight
3. Over-the-counter remedies - blocked nasal passages can restrict the airflow through your nose. Try a medicated nasal spray to help to unclog nasal blockages
4. See your GP - If your partner says you snore and stop breathing when sleeping, you should visit your GP. Snoring can be a sign of sleep apnoea (not breathing during sleep) particularly, associated with daytime sleepiness

Is yours, your partner's, your child's or even your dog's snoring unbearable? Don't despair; Travelodge is launching a search for the UK's loudest snorer!

The winner will receive a free consultation and laser treatment with a top surgeon to cure their bedtime rumblings, plus a free room at Travelodge hotel every month for a year - so that you can get a good night's sleep. To enter just email a recording in MPEG (MP3) format to: thesnorer@travelodge.co.uk by 31st July 2007.


Notes to editors:

Supporting visual, case studies and snoring recordings available on request. For more information please contact:

Shakila Ahmed, Travelodge PR Manager:
T: 01844 358703
E: Shakila.ahmed@travelodge.co.uk