7th August 2008

As part of its £150 million seaside investment programme in 55 new seaside hotels, Travelodge has announced today that it will be seeking to recruit at least a quarter of all staff at the new hotels from the local long-term unemployed.

This ground breaking initiative will be carried out in partnership with Job Centre Plus (JCP) and be undertaken through a programme known as the Local Employer Partnership (LEP).

Under the programme, Travelodge gives a commitment to interviewing applicants who have undertaken a tailor made two week training scheme designed to help people re-enter the workforce.

Since January 2008 Travelodge has recruited 165 members of staff for new hotel openings across the UK, with 108, 65%, coming through the LEP programme

Chrissie Herbert, Director of Human Resources at Travelodge, said:

"LEPs are a cost effective way for us to access potential new recruits for our hotels. We have found the scheme to be exceedingly productive, with 65% of jobs at our new hotel openings this year going to people who were out of work.

"I am delighted that we will be rolling the scheme out in all of our new coastal hotels and am sure that amongst the recruits will be hotel managers of the future."

Stephen Timms MP, Minister for Employment and Welfare Reform, said:

"This is an excellent opportunity to rejuvenate some of our most neglected seaside towns as they become increasingly popular holiday destinations.

"LEPs are a great way to tap into local skills and talent to the benefit of whole communities. In June, for the first time since the programme began, more than 1,000 people were found work through LEPs in a single week. We want to see that success replicated around the country."

"Coastal town employment rates can lag behind other areas but this investment by Travelodge will mean hundreds more people have the opportunity to work, learn new skills and contribute to Britains growing tourism industry."

In July, Travelodge announced that it is seeking to invest £150 million in 55 new seaside hotels across the UK, creating upwards of 1,000 jobs.

This coincided with the launch of a ,Save Our Seaside, campaign, designed to win back to traditional tourist seaside resorts some of the 30% or so of Brits who have cancelled their foreign holiday plans due to the credit crunch. A number of firms, including National Express and Blackpool Pleasure Beach, have joined together to offer great deals on days out by the sea.

Grant Hearn Chief Executive of Travelodge, said:

"Twenty out of the top 80 most deprived towns in the UK are on the coast. We believe that this investment and job creation will create a marked change to the fortunes of these economies. As our hotels are 'no frills' our customers spend all of their holiday cash in our hotels communities - this means that seaside businesses will gain an extra £42m of annual customer spend from Travelodge alone."

Notes to Editors
For more information on Local Employer Partnerships please go to http://www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk/JCP/Employers/lep/

For more information on the Save Our Seaside campaign please got to https://www.travelodge.co.uk/news_and_offers/save_our_seaside/

Grant Hearn, Chief Executive of Travelodge, is Chairman of London Employer Accord and a member of the London Employment and Skills Board. London Employer Accord seeks to bring together employment and skills organisations across the capital to align the skills of local people with the needs of business.

Travelodge is committed to offering staff a number of career development opportunities.

These include:

The Foundation Degree

Travelodge has created the UK's first Foundation Degree in Hospitality, Budget Hotel and Retail Management in partnership with Westminster Kingsway College.

The first class will graduate in 2010. Areas of Study include The Budget Hotel Sector, Retail Management, Sales and Marketing, Food and Beverage, Information Technology, Human Resources and much more

The Graduate Scheme

Travelodge has launched it's first ever Graduate Scheme to recruit the District Managers of the future. In total 250 applicants - 10 places available in September 2008.

The scheme:

- 3 to 6 months: Graduates learn the intricacies of hotel management

- 6 to 9 months: Graduates enroll on fast track to management

- 9 to 18 months: Graduates have potential to be appointed as Assistant Hotel Manager in a large hotel

- 18 months: Graduates have potential to become Hotel Managers

- 3 to 4 years Graduates have potential to become a District Managers managing up to 17 hotels

The Fast Track to Management Programme

- Travelodge runs a 12week programme that fast tracks staff to hotel management
- Available to all employees regardless of current position or length of service
- 80 staff promoted to management via programme since 2006
- Six month Fast Track Programme also available for staff that require flexibility

For further information please contact:
Nick Dines on 01844 358 698 or 07827 243 921