3rd January 2012

With a New Year comes resolutions and topping the list is always body transformations whether it’s to lose weight or simply to get into shape. In an effort to make 2012 a fit and healthy year Travelodge is offering its customers a free customised room workout.

In a UK first, hotel chain Travelodge has teamed up with Marko Mandic to create a bespoke room workout that requires no expensive equipment, weights or fitness gear.

Marko Mandic is a personal trainer who has spent 15 years developing a unique holistic training programme that delivers a great body via simple targeted exercises without visiting a gym.

The Travelodge room workout is a simple five step VT workout, which Marko Mandic has developed for customers to do in their room; whilst staying over in any of the 496 Travelodge hotels. Included in the plan is also a multifunctional stretching programme which can be done:

• Before and after the room workout
• At bedtime to help relax the body to aid sleep
• First thing in the morning to energise the body- for the day ahead.

The Travelodge keep-fit programme targets large muscle groups, focusing on strength and muscle toning which revs up the metabolism resulting in more calories being burnt. The programme targets the abdominal, legs, arms and core body – resulting in an all over body work out.

The Travelodge room workout VT which Marko Mandic presents – illustrates each exercise in detail and can be viewed for free on You Tube or <a href='http://bit.ly/yzDjel'>http://bit.ly/yzDjel</a>. In addition to the VT, Travelodge has also developed a room workout fact sheet which provides a step by step guide to the programme. The fact sheet can be downloaded at <a href='http://www2.travelodge.co.uk/room_workout/TRAVELODGE_ROOM_WORKOUT_factsh...

In support of launching its new room workout programme, Travelodge surveyed 6,000 British adults to obtain their views on exercising when away from home and starting a new fitness programme in the New Year. Key findings revealed that nearly half of the nation (48%) is starting 2012 with a New Year’s resolution of wanting to lose weight and get fit. By the end of January 2012, it is expected that 42% of Britons would have broken this resolution.

Fifty seven per cent of adults surveyed stated they find it very difficult to stick to a keep fit regime when away from home. Eighty seven per cent of respondents thought it was good idea that Travelodge had developed a free room workout plan for their customers – especially one that that required no equipment or keep fit gear.

Other findings revealed that 28% of Britons regularly work out in their bedroom at home. Interestingly nearly a third of British men dread their partners asking the question “Do I look fat”; as they know the correct answer will lead to a heated argument. However 90% of women would have no qualms telling their other half that they need to lose weight. By contrast, a quarter of females would struggle to tell their best friend that she needs to go on a diet.

The research also asked respondents what areas of their body they would most like to change this year. Findings revealed three quarters of British adults want to tackle their midriff spare tyre. A quarter of Britons are determined to say goodbye to their bingo wings over the coming months and a fifth of respondents surveyed stated they would like to work towards a smaller bottom in time for the summer.

Jon Hendry-Pickup, Travelodge Operations Director said: “One of the nation’s most popular New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight and to keep fit, which is never as simple as it sounds. It can be expensive, time consuming and requires a lot of will-power. Therefore in a bid to help our customers stick to their keep-fit resolution, we have developed a simple bespoke Travelodge room workout VT. This programme enables our customers to benefit from working out with a top personal trainer whilst staying at any one of our 496 hotels, or from the comfort of their own home. In this difficult economic climate, our no-frills room workout programme provides an additional service and benefit to our customers at no cost to them.”

Marko Mandic, Personal Trainer and founder of http://mmworkout.com/Home.aspx said: ‘You don’t need a gym to get fit or stay fit. In fact it’s often far quicker and easier to carry out a well-planned workout in the comfort of your own room. I have spent years training clients to do this, with tremendous success. The Travelodge room workout I have created is a short but highly effective exercise plan that requires no expensive equipment, weights or fitness gear. It targets large muscle groups so it’s great for overall strength and muscle toning. More lean muscle revs the metabolism, which in turn means more calories are being burnt. Perform these exercises properly, regularly and safely and you will see excellent results’.

Lisa Francesca Nand, Travel Writer who has trialled the Travelodge room workout said: ‘We all know how hard it can be to exercise when you’re often away from home. In my line of work, I live out of hotel rooms. I am often strapped for time and also want to travel light; so I don’t have space for trainers or sports gear. The Travelodge workout has really helped boost my fitness levels, in less than 20 minutes a day. I can even do the programme at home which is a great bonus. It’s just enough to get the muscles working, burn some calories and help me stretch out travel-weary limbs.”

<strong>The Travelodge room workout includes the following exercises & stretches:</strong>

The Bridge - To work your glutes and hamstrings

The Lunge - To work your thighs

Press Ups - To work your chest, arms, abdominals, glutes and hamstrings

Angel Fly - To work your full body

Abdominals - To work your abdominal muscles

Stretches - Quad, Towel, Head, Chest & Back