7th August 2012

Today, Travelodge, one of the UK’s leading budget hotel chain’s which has 513 hotels and over 37,500 rooms, is rejoining the British Hospitality Association.

Grant Hearn, chief executive of Travelodge, said: “The Prime Minister has earmarked UK tourism as one of the six strategic industries to help drive our economy recovery out of recession. Also with 2012 being a momentous year for our sector, we thought there was no time like the present to rejoin the association and provide our support to champion the industry’s interests so that we can maximise all growth opportunities and help create much needed jobs.”

“This includes reducing VAT across hospitality services, in order to make us as competitively priced as our European neighbors. As well as streamlining our visa system so that we too can capitalise on tourist business from emerging countries such as China and India.”

Ufi Ibrahim, chief executive of BHA said she was delighted that Travelodge had decided to rejoin:

“It’s vital that the industry speaks with one voice on key lobbying issues and that voice is BHA’s. Travelodge has made its position very clear on VAT and we are delighted it will now be throwing its weight behind BHA and its campaign to reduce VAT for hospitality services and to make tourist visas more accessible to key source markets.

“Our aim is to help grow the industry and create more jobs.

“With Travelodge back as a member, more than ever the BHA represents the cohort of key hospitality industry leaders that speaks for the whole industry. This will immeasurably strengthen the messages we are getting across to government, and our lobbying generally.”

Editor’s note:
The British Hospitality Association, incorporating the Restaurant Association, is the national trade association for the hotel, restaurant and catering industry. It has in membership almost every publicly quoted hotel group, many independent hotels, restaurants and clubs, major food and service management companies, motorway service operators and many local hospitality associations, as well as hospitality education establishments. In total, it represents more than 40,000 establishments. BHA research shows that the British hospitality industry is the UK’s fifth largest industry currently employing 2.44m and generating a further 1.2m indirect jobs.

The British Hospitality Association promotes the interests of the entire hospitality industry to government ministers, MPs and MEPs, members of the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly, the EU Commission, the City and the media.