26th June 2009

Cornwall is in Scotland, the Lake District is in Wales, Blackpool is located in the South West of England and Alton Towers is situated in the South East of England according to young British holidaymakers. These findings have been revealed in a new kid's holiday report issued today by Travelodge.

The hotel chain surveyed 2,500 children aged between five to sixteen years old to investigate their holiday plans for summer 2009. Findings revealed the traditional British seaside jaunt is back in fashion, with 48% of kids reporting they are taking a beach holiday this summer. Seventeen per cent of ramblers reported they were having a rural break in the British countryside. Twelve per cent of thrill-seekers said they were going on a theme park inspired holiday in England and 12% of culture vultures reported they where taking a UK city break.

The children were also asked the whereabouts of some of the top ten holiday locations they were planning to visit this summer. Findings revealed a fifth of young Brits have no idea where Cornwall is, they think its in Scotland and 46% of children dont know where the Lake District is - they think its in the Midlands or Wales. Other key findings revealed:

51% of respondents were unsure of the location of Alton Towers in Staffordshire

49% of young people did not know where Bournemouth was

32% of children were baffled by the location of Blackpool

25% of kids were mystified by the locality of Devon

Listed below are the top ten holiday locations British children are visiting this summer:

1. Cornwall
2. The Lake District
3. Scottish Highlands
4. Devon
5. London
6. Blackpool
7. Staffordshire
8. Isle of Wight
9. Bournemouth
10. North Wales

Guy Parsons Travelodge Managing Director said: "2009 is the year of the 'Staycation'. By holidaying at home youngsters will certainly find out why Great Britain is a top holiday destination. In addition they will learn more about their country and most importantly identify where key British holiday locations are."

It is encouraging to see the report identified 88% of young Brits think it's important to grow up with memories of having holidays in the UK. This is great news for the future of British tourism. "

To help parents who have not planned their 2009 summer break, respondents were asked what guidance they could offer to mums and dads; to help them design the ideal child's summer break. Feedback from the youngsters has been compiled into a childs ideal summer holiday formula which is:

3 (S) + 2 (C) + 1(TP) + 1(CT) / 7 days

3 days at the seaside + 2 days in the countryside + 1 day at a theme park + 1 day doing a city tour.

The holiday report also examined what children like to do on holiday and listed below are the key findings:

72% of kids like to send a postcard to their friends and family members to report on their holiday adventure.

56% of youngsters go on the hunt for the perfect souvenir to take back for their family and friends

31% of young Brits like to explore the surrounding area

12% of children like to dine out and try new foods

12% of young writers like to keep a holiday journal so that they can record their holiday adventures

10% of youngsters reported they just like to spend quality time with their parents

Just 20% of respondents said they would send a text to their family and friends whilst on holiday and 13% would stay in touch via face book.

Respondents were also asked which celebrity would be a fun holiday companion to accompany them on their family break. Listed below are the top ten celebrity holiday companions as voted by young Brits:

1. Miley Cyrus
2. Daniel Radcliffe
3. Hugh Jackman
4. David Beckham
5. Cheryl Cole
6. Barak Obama
7. Simon Cowell
8. Zac Efron
9. David Tennant
10. Lilly Allen